Dr. Noam Koriat

Fields of Interest

Innovation, Digital Transformation, Knowledge Management, Information Systems


    Knoweldge Management

    Innovation and Digital Transformation

    Information Systems Practicum


    Koriat N. & Gelbard R. (2014). "Knowledge sharing motivation among IT personnel: Integrated model and implications of employment contracts".  International Journal of Information Management, Vol.34(5), 577-591.

    Koriat, N., & Gelbard, R. (2015). Insourcing of IT Workers: A Win-Win Strategy - Economic Analysis of IT Units in Israeli Governmental Offices. In R. Wolf, T. Issa, & M. Thiel (Eds.) Empowering Organizations through Corporate Social Responsibility (pp. 241-254). Hershey, PA: Business Science Reference.

    Koriat, N., & Gelbard, R. (2017). Knowledge Sharing Analytics: The Case of IT Workers. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 59(4), 308–318.

    Koriat, N., & Gelbard, R. (2018). Knowledge Sharing Motivation among External and Internal IT Workers. Journal of Information & Knowledge Management, 17

    Koriat, N., & Gelbard, R. (2019). Strategic benefits for IT insourcing – Implications of IT employment contracts on Knowledge Sharing . Quarterly for Organizational Research and Human Resources (Hebrew) 4(2)

    Koriat, N. (2022) Agile Audit - Buzzword or Future? The Internal Auditor Journal (IIA Israel – Institute of Internal Auditors), 16(September).

    Koriat, N. (2023). Internal Audit as a Driver of Innovation. ISACA Journal, 4, 21-25.

    Koriat, N. (2023). Future Ready: Towards a Sound Agile Audit Framework. ISACA Journal, 6(Future Skills), 38–42.

    Koriat, N. (2024). Future Ready: Utilizing OKR for Audit Engagement Planning. ISACA Journal, 3(Resilience as a Competitive Advantage), Online Exclusive.


    Last Updated Date : 10/06/2024