MBA Program

General Information about the Graduate School of Business Administration

The Graduate School of Business Administration admits students for MBA and Ph.D. degrees only, and offers four academic specializations:

The Management and Organizational Behavior Specialization

Dr.Raveh Harush Director: Dr. Raveh Harush

The Management Specialization

The MBA program with the specialization in Organizational Management provides graduates with knowledge and skills for managing 21st century organizations, characterized by globalization, advanced technology, knowledge intensiveness, and project-based structure. Courses at the micro-level provide knowledge on organizational behavior and psychological and interpersonal aspects of organization management. Courses at the macro level deal with managing change processes and strategy in a broad organizational perspective.

In addition to the core content of employee management and organizational processes, the MBA program provides internships that allow graduates to gain the knowledge, skills and experience needed to lead complex processes in the dynamic organizational environment.

The specialization in management and organizational behavior offers two clusters:

1.  International management and strategy cluster - focuses on managing the challenges of international companies operating in different cultural and business environments around the world. The cluster courses provide graduates with managerial tools and insights needed for successful performance in a multicultural environment from micro-, meso- and macro-level perspectives. The cluster includes hand-on experience in multicultural project teams as well as an advanced business simulation of global expansion.

2. Project management cluster - focuses on the skills that are essential for management in project-based organizations. The cluster courses provide graduates with how-to knowledge of complex projects management, as well as for developing and managing successful teamwork. The practical part includes internship that prepare graduates for the PMP certification test required in project management at global companies.

The graduates are offered an essential knowledge required at management positions in the organizational environment of the 21st century, with an emphasis on management in international and project-based companies.

Upon successful completion of all the cluster courses and the focused cluster-based internship, the graduates will receive, in addition to the academic degree, a certificate indicating the studied cluster.

In addition to the above clusters, graduates are encouraged to take the unique courses of the entrepreneurship cluster that is provided in conjunction with the school's Entrepreneurship Club and the Bar-Ilan Center for Smart Cities. Furthermore, graduates can also take courses for the Board of Directors certification.

The Marketing and Business Development Specialization

 : Director : Prof. Eyal Yaniv

The Marketing track helps students acquire solid knowledge in the basic disciplines (e.g., psychology, economics, statistics) essential for understanding consumer and organizational buying patterns, and developing successful marketing strategies. Then, we employ a combination of lectures, readings, case studies, and computer simulations to study fundamental approaches in product/market selection, product line management, sales force operations, communications management, pricing and profit planning, management of channels of distribution, and marketing research. Students’ choices of further marketing courses depend on their preferences among the variety of management career paths.

The Finance Specialization

 Prof. Guy KaplanskiDirector: Prof. Guy Kaplanski

The Finance track prepares the student for professional careers in investment management, security analysis, financial management of corporations and the banking industry. We emphasize theoretical tools, quantitative methods, and the development of analytical skills and economic intuition, in order to make our graduates competitive and well-equipped for the real life (i.e., “street”) challenges in this ever-developing and sophisticated business field.

The Information Systems Specialization

 Director: Dr. Alon Bartal

We aim to train professionals who have an interdisciplinary knowledge and understanding, and who would be able to use information methods and technologies to improve the functioning of their organizations.

The Information Systems specialization offers three clusters of courses: i) Business analytics, ii) Infrastructure and cyber management, iii) Software project management. Each cluster contains theoretical courses as well as practicum. The cyber practicum is focused on management processes as defined by ISACA, and the project management practicum is focused on management processes as defined by the PMI.

All Information Systems students are exposed to data science methods and tools such as classification and cluster analysis techniques, visualization tools, and modern databases that support big data.