Dr. Elli Kraizberg
Academic Degrees
Ph.D.- New York University, Stern Business School, Finance.
Topic: “The Optional Forward Contract, Provided by Money
Center Banks in the Foreign Exchange Markets”.
Academic Appointments
Fordham University, USA - 1990-1992
Columbia University, USA - 1985-1986
New Economic University, Moscow, 1996
Moscow State, 1997- 2002
NYU, Stern Business School, 1986-2001
Technion, Israel 1994-2004
Bar Ilan University, from 1987
Netanya Academic, Professor, from 2002
Teaching subjects
· Strategic policy
· Corporate finance A
· Corporate Finance B
· Fundamentals of Finance
· Risk Management
· Model in Finance
· Quantitative Methods in Finance
· Managerial Economics
· Public Policy
· Money and Banking and Financial Markets
· Real Estate Finance
· Corporate valuation
Editorial Board
Open Business Journal
Refereed Publications
1. Kraizberg, E.,"The Option to Deliver Prematurely, Associated with Forward Contracts", Development in International Banking and Finance, 1988, pp. 271-292.
2. Kraizberg, E.,"The Market Making of Forward Contracts with Early Delivery Provision", Journal of Banking and Finance, 1990, pp. 691-716.
3. Kraizberg, E.,“Valuing Depreciable Assets”, Journal of Accounting Auditing and Finance, 1992, pp. 115-136.
4. Kraizberg, E. and J. Tzur. “Tax Evasion and the Risk Averse Tax Collector” Public Finance, 1995, 50(1) , pp. 153-165
5. Kellman, M., and E. Kraizberg, “The U-Shape Autocorrelation Pattern in International Stock Markets”, American Economist, Fall 1999,2, 43, pp. 36-49.
6. Kraizberg, E., "The Mass Privatization Process in the Czech Republic", European Financial Review, 1999, 3, pp. 175-203 .
7. Kraizberg, E.,"Credit Rationing, Capital Constraints, and Real Estate Development Activity", Real Estate Research, 2000.
8. Kraizberg, E., "Efficient Contract Remedies and the European Unification" The European Journal of Law and Economics, 2000 , 10, pp. 93-112.
9. Kraizberg, E., "Insider Information, a Crime or a Priceable variable” The Israeli Economic Quarterly, 2000, 47, pp. 178-190.
10. Kraizberg, E., "Banks Forward Loan Commitments and the Effect on Real Estate Activity". Research in Banking and Finance, 2000, 1, pp. 77-105.
11. Kraizberg, E., A. Tziner, and J. Weisberg, “Employee Stock Options: Are they Indeed Superior to other Incentive Schemes? ”, Journal of Business and Psychology, Spring 2002 , 16(3), pp. 383-390.
12. Hauser, S. and E. Kraizberg, "Insider Trading around SEO Announcements” Journal of Corporate Finance, 2003, 9, pp. 183-199.
13. Kraizberg, E. and V. Gargalas, “Granting Employee Stock Options by small firms”, with V. Gargalas, The Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance and Business Ventures, Fall 2002, pp. 83-99.
14. Cakici, N., M. Kellman, and E. Kraizberg, “Matched-Long Term Maturity Stock and Bond Returns in International Markets”, American Economist, 2003
15. Ang, J. and E. Kraizberg, "Transferring Share Ownership Among Heterogeneous Investors: The Induced Sidebets Game”, Forthcoming 2004 Journal of Corporate finance.
16. Birati A. and E. Kraizberg and A. Tziner “ Optimal downsizing”, Forthcoming 2005, International Academy of Business and Economics
17. Birati A. and E. Kraizberg and A. Tziner “Executives pay: Incentive to perform or a free ride?”, forthcoming 2005, Adam v’amalo
18. Epstein G. and E. Kraizbrg and A. Tziner, “Reaction to Compensation, Forthcoming 2005, International Academy of Business and Economics.
19. Kraizberg E. and J. Teall, The distribution of the value of Control, Open Business Journal, forthcoming, 2009.
20. Ang J. and E. Kraizberg, “The alignment of interests of the Private sector and the Citizens during a transition period in developing countries” Open Business Journal, forthcoming, 2009.
Proceedings (refereed, journal publication equivalent)
21 Kraizberg E., A. Tziner , and j Weisberg, “Monetary Costs of non-monetary rewards: Employee Stock Options", Proceedings of Eastern Academy of Management, May, 2000, Boston, USA .
22. Kraizberg E., “Do high risk firms tend to grant ESOs?”, Proceedings of Entrepreneurial Finance Conference, CUNY, New York, USA , April 2002 , Session 7, paper 1.
23. Kraizberg, E. and J. Teall, “The Value of Control” - Isini’s 7th International conference in Finance, Lille France Proceedings (2003)
24. Birati A. and E. Kraizberg and A. Tziner “ Optimal downsizing”, IAEB, Las Vegas, Nevada 2005.
25. Carmeli, A., Kreisberg, E., & Weisberg, J. Consulting Services: The Importance of Long-Term Exchange. A paper presented at the Academy of Management Meeting (Management Consulting) in Atlanta, Georgia (11-16 August 2006).
Chapter in a Book - refereed
26. Article (7) was published as a chapter in a book, “Essays in Honor of J.A. Graaskamp - Ten Years Later”, by Kluer Academic Publishers, 2000, pp. 187-213).
Last Updated Date : 05/12/2022