Dr. Yevgeny Mugerman

341; Building : 504
Fields of Interest

An editorial board member of The Journal of FinTech



PO Box
Research Categories


    • Post-Doc. – 2014, INSEAD, Finance Department. Supervisor: Prof. Massimo Massa
    • Ph.D. – 2011, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Concentrated in Finance, Dissertation Supervisor: Prof. Eugene Kandel
    • M.B.A. – 2004, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Concentrated in Finance, Graduated Cum Laude
    • B.A. – 1997, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Majored in Accounting and Economics, Graduated Cum Laude




    • Harel Center for Capital Market Research, 2023-2024
    • Raya Strauss Family Business Research Center, 2023-2024
    • The Raymond Ackerman Family Chair in Corporate Governance, 2023-2024
    • The Israel Innovation Authority Research Grant, 2022-2024
    • ISTRC Research Grant, 2021-2022
    • The Raymond Ackerman Family Chair in Corporate Governance, 2020-2021
    • Raya Strauss Family Business Research Center, 2020-2021
    • Blavatnik Interdisciplinary Cyber Research Center (ICRC), 2020-2021
    • The Raymond Ackerman Family Chair in Corporate Governance, 2019-2020
    • The Rector's Award (Bar-Ilan University) - the Head of the Research Team, 2019-2020
    • The Moshe Sanbar Institute for Applied Economic Research, 2019-2020
    • The Gershon FinTech Center Research Grant, 2018-2019
    • Heth Academic Center for Research of Competition and Regulation, 2018-2019
    • The Raymond Ackerman Family Chair in Corporate Governance, 2018
    • Israeli Science Foundation (ISF) – the Individual Research Grants Program (Grant No. 1929/17), 2017-2020
    • The Raymond Ackerman Family Chair in Corporate Governance, 2015
    • Center for Financial Markets and Institutions, The Hebrew University, 2013
    • The Maurice Falk Institute for Economic Research, 2012
    • The Pension Planning and Social Financial Program, established by Clal Insurance Enterprises and Tel-Aviv University, 2012
    • IDC-Gazit Globe Real Estate Institute, 2011
    • Foundation Amundi-Dauphine, Project Chair in Asset Management, 2011
    • Julian Simon Research Grant, 2010
    • Blazuska Fellowship, 2010




    Name of Conference


    The subject of Lecture/Discussion


    Israel Economic Association Annual Meeting


    Long Term Savings Decisions: Financial Reform, Peer Effects and Ethnicity Do Peers Influence Our Choice of Savings Fund


    Israel Securities Authority


    Behavioral Heuristics and Biases


    8th annual European Winter Finance Conference


    Long Term Savings Decisions: Financial Reform, Peer Effects and Ethnicity


    American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association's (AREUEA) International Conference


    How Homeowners Choose between Fixed and Adjustable Rate Mortgages? (presented by coauthor)


    Dauphine-Amundi Chair in Asset Management


    Long Term Savings Decisions: Financial Reform, Peer Effects and Ethnicity


    Sovereign Wealth Funds and Other Long-Term Investors


    Structuring Israel's Sovereign Wealth Fund


    ISF International Research Workshop on Behavioral Legal Studies


    How Homeowners Choose between Fixed and Adjustable Rate Mortgages? (presented by coauthor)


    1st Israel Behavioral Finance Conference


    How Homeowners Choose between Fixed and Adjustable Rate Mortgages?


    The International Risk Management Conference


    On the Failure of Mutual Fund Industry Regulation (presented by coauthor)


    NBER Conference - New Developments in Long-Term Asset Management


    Incentive Fees and Competition in Pension Funds


    FIRS Annual Meeting


    Incentive Fees and Competition in Pension Funds


    SEC – Research Seminar


    Incentive Fees and Competition in Pension Funds


    2nd Israel Behavioral Finance Conference


    Behavioral Aspects in Freezout Transactions


    Measuring the Effectiveness of the Real Estate Regulation


    Heuristics and Biases in the Israeli Mortgage Market (presented by coauthor)


    Cross Country Perspectives in Finance (CCPF)


    On the Failure of Mutual Fund Industry Regulation


    Bank of Israel – Research Seminar


    Behavioral Aspects in Freezout Transactions



    IAREP 2017 Conference


    Behavioral Aspects in Freezout Transactions




    The Exclamation Mark of Cain: Risk Attitude and Mutual Fund Flows




    Heuristics and Biases in the Israeli Mortgage Market (presented by coauthor)


    The Economic Science Association (ESA) - the 2017 North American Experimental Finance Meeting


    Out-of-pocket vs out-of-profit



    ECGI - European Corporate Governance Conference


    Institutional Investors Engagement in Freezeout Transactions (presented by coauthor)



    Cross Country Perspectives in Finance (CCPF) - Special Issue 2018


    On the Failure of Mutual Fund Industry Regulation



    Bank of Israel – Research Seminar


    The Exclamation Mark of Cain: Risk Attitude and Mutual Fund Flows



    SEC – Research Seminar


    The Exclamation Mark of Cain: Risk Attitude and Mutual Fund Flows



    2018 Meeting - European Financial Management Association (EFMA)


    The Exclamation Mark of Cain: Risk Attitude and Mutual Fund Flows (presented by coauthor)



    Cross Country Perspectives in Finance (CCPF) - Special Issue 2019


    By the Light of Day: The Effect of Winter Time Switch on the Stock Markets


    Financial Management Association (FMA) - 2018 Annual Meeting


    The Exclamation Mark of Cain: Risk Attitude and Mutual Fund Flows




    By the Light of Day: The Effect of Winter Time Switch on the Stock Markets (presented by coauthor)


    SFU - The Beedie School of Business


    The Exclamation Mark of Cain: Risk Attitude and Mutual Fund Flows


    The Third Israel Behavioral Finance Conference


    The Exclamation Mark of Cain: Risk Attitude and Mutual Fund Flows (presented by coauthor)


    The Third Israel Behavioral Finance Conference


    Behavioral Aspects in Merger Decisions (presented by coauthor)


    CCPF – JIFMIM, 2020


    Stock Markets and Female Participation in the Labor Force


    26th Annual MFS Conference


    The Exclamation Mark of Cain: Risk Attitude and Mutual Fund Flows (presented by coauthor)


    The Summer Accounting & Finance Conference in Jerusalem


    Behavioral Aspects in Merger Decisions (presented by coauthor)

    2019 AMEC 2019 Russia Doyoureadme?
    Temporal trends in the language complexity of financial reporting
    2019 CCPF 2020 (2nd Round) Mauritius Stock Markets and
    Female Participation in The Labor Force (presented by coauthor)
    2020 9th Law and Economics Conference Switzerland (postponed) Borrowers Responses to Protective Mortgage Regulation (presented by coauthor)
    2020 FMCG 2020 Australia (postponed) The Limited Effect of Behavioral Factors on Merger Terms and Merger Acceptance Likelihood
    2020 2nd Andrews and Brunner Lecture and Workshop on Behavioral and Experimental Economics UK (zoom) Write Your Will Today: A Controlled Field Experiment on Emotionally-Motivated Procrastination

    Retreat 2020 - the Federmann Center for the Study of Rationality

    Israel Write Your Will Today: A Controlled Field Experiment on Emotionally-Motivated Procrastination

    37th International Conference of the French Finance Association (AFFI)

    France (postponed) Stock Markets and
    Female Participation in The Labor Force
    2020  JLFA 2020 Conference, hosted by Bocconi University Italy (zoom) The Choice Between Various Freeze-Out Procedures and Its Consequences
    2021 EFMA 2021 UK (online) I Am The Firm! Eponymous Firms and Rose-Coloured Forecasts
    2021 AAA 2021, Spark: Meeting of the Regions   USA (online) I Am The Firm! Eponymous Firms and Rose-Coloured Forecasts
    2021 EF 2021 Austria (online) Doing the right thing? The Voting Power Effect and Institutional Shareholder Voting
    2021 Federmann Center's 30th Annual Meeting ISRAEL I Am The Firm! Eponymous Firms and Rose-Coloured Forecasts
    2021  38th EALE Annual Conference SPAIN (online)
    The Choice Between Various Freeze-Out Procedures and Its Consequences
    CCPF 2021 (2nd Round)
    Canada (online) The Winner Takes It All: Investor Sentiment and the Eurovision Song Contest
    2022 FMCG 2022 Australia  Behavioral Aspects of Merger Decisions: The Effect of Investors’ Purchase Price and Reference Prices
    2022 EFMA2022 ANNUAL MEETING (31st Annual Conference) Italy Behavioral Aspects of Merger Decisions: The Effect of Investors’ Purchase Price and Reference Prices
    2022 The 4th Israel Behavioral Finance Conference ISRAEL  Behavioral Aspects of Merger Decisions: The Effect of Investors’ Purchase Price and Reference Prices
    2022 Cross Country Perspectives in Finance (CCPF) - Special Issue 2023 Cyprus

    National Pride and Stock Returns


    CAAA Annual Conference 2022

    CANADA Rights without Control: Conditional Empowerment of Creditors 
    2023 39th International Conference of the French Finance Association France Retail and Institutional Investors' Historical Purchase Prices: Do they Affect Merger Offer Premiums or Outcomes?
    2023 Special Theme Conference on The Effectiveness of Financial Regulation ISRAEL  Regulating Cash Holdings: Assessing Lost Returns In Mutual Funds
    2023 The European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI) and the Baltic Family Firm Institute (BFFI) Estonia I Am The Firm: Eponymous Firms and Rose Colored Forecasts
    2023 ISTRC 2023: ISRAELI SMART TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH CENTER  ISRAEL Keep an Eye on Your Employees, but Not Two: An Experimental Study of Online Monitoring, Performance, and Effort
    2023 IFERA - International Family Enterprise Research Academy POLAND I Am The Firm: Eponymous Firms and Rose Colored Forecasts
    2023 45th EBES Conference  HUNGARY (online) How Do Mutual Fund Management Fee Changes Impact Mutual Fund Flows?
    2024 31st Global Finance Conference ITALY (online) Poor Choices in Mortgage Decisions: Economically Disadvantaged Populations and The Role of Cognitive Biases
    2024 2024 Ackerman Family Center Conference ISRAEL How Do Mutual Fund Management Fee Changes Impact Mutual Fund Flows?
    2024 Monash University AUSTRALIA How Do Mutual Fund Management Fee Changes Impact Mutual Fund Flows?
    2024 Society for Experimental Finance (SEF) 2024 Conference NORWAY Impact of Self-Identification on Decision-Making in Family-Owned Enterprises
    2024 Cross Country Perspectives in Finance (CCPF) - 2024 CANADA (online) Poor Choices in Mortgage Decisions: Economically Disadvantaged Populations and The Role of Cognitive Biases
    2024 2024 International Conference in Finance, Accounting and Banking UK How Do Mutual Fund Management Fee Changes Impact Mutual Fund Flows?
    2024 The 5th Research in Behavioral Finance Conference Netherlands Holistic Bidding Strategies: Addressing Target Shareholders’ Behavioral Resistance in M&As
    2024 "Family Business and Long-Term Investment” Chair at the University Paris Dauphine – PSL France (online) Fusing Identities: The 'I Am The Firm’ Phenomenon in Eponymous Enterprises



    Visiting Professor - Monash University, March-May 2024.

    Visiting Scholar - Lancaster University, March-April 2023.

    Visiting Scholar - Lancaster University, March-April 2022.

    Visiting Scholar - The Federmann Center for the Study of Rationality, 2015-.

    Visiting Scholar - Simon Fraser University (SFU), April 2019.

    Organizing Committee Member - "Empirical Analysis of Judicial Decision Making in Personal and Corporate Bankruptcy Proceedings" IDC, January 2020.

    Invited speaker at AMEC 2019, "Analytics for Management and Economics", St. Petersburg campus of HSE, Russia, September 2019.

    Invited speaker at the Bank of Israel Research Seminar, November 2019.

    Invited speaker at the Special Symposium - The Haredi BizLabs Incubator, December 2019.

    Invited speaker at the Retreat 2020 - the Federmann Center for the Study of Rationality, February 2020.

    Invited speaker at the 2nd Andrews and Brunner Lecture and Workshop on Behavioral and Experimental Economics - Lancaster University Management School, April 2020.

    Program committee member - 7th SPRING CONFERENCE OF THE MULTINATIONAL FINANCE SOCIETY; 26th Annual Conference of the Multinational Finance Society; 27th Annual Conference of the Multinational Finance Society (Virtual);  28th Annual Conference of the Multinational Finance Society (Poland); 29th Annual Conference of the Multinational Finance Society (Cyprus)

    A member of the Society for Experimental Finance - since 2020.


    An editorial board member:

    Associate Editor of The Journal of FinTech.


    Reviewer for the following journals:

    Journal of Business Research; Eurasian Economic Review; Frontiers in Psychology; Financial Innovation; The European Journal of Finance; PLOS ONE; JFQA; Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance; Erasmus Law Review; Journal of Business Ethics; Finance Research Letters; Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics; Journal of Banking and Finance; Applied Economics; Emerging Markets Review; Quarterly Journal of Finance; Journal of Asset Management; Emerging Markets Finance and Trade; Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money; Journal of Public Affairs; The Journal of FinTech; and reviewer of proposals for various funding institutions.



    Founding Shareholder – Scale-Up Velocity Ltd (Public-benefit corporation)

    Expanding the circle of students and recipients of professional training by improving their learning quality for the purpose of integrating into the high-tech labor market. Strengthening research and development, as well as strengthening Israeli companies engaged in research and development, with emphasis on research and development based in the high-tech industry. Promoting international cooperation and exposing foreign developers and researchers to the Israeli industry, with the aim of strengthening the technological sector. Encouraging the return of Israeli immigrants’ citizens and residents back to Israel for integration into the high-tech industry. Providing in-depth and strategic analyses regarding government policy matters.


    I have been playing chess professionally since my childhood (Moscow Chess Champion under age 13).

    • 70795-01 Behavioral Finance
    • 70900-15/01 Financial Risk Management
    • 70953-03 Principles of Finance
    • 70794-01 Advanced Topics in Finance
    • 70816-01/15 Advanced Research Methods in Finance
    • 70700-15 Finance Seminar
    • 70652-15 ESG, SRI & Impact Investing
    • 70632-01/15 Financial Econometrics




    • "(Un)intended Consequences of Macroprudential Regulation" (with M. Ofir), Forthcoming (book chapter in:  Law and Economics of Regulation [ed. Mathis, Klaus, and Tor, Avishalom], Springer Nature). Media coverage: https://www.law.ox.ac.uk/business-law-blog/blog/2021/03/unintended-consequences-macroprudential-regulation

    • "Are Courts Biased? The Anchoring Heuristic and Judicial Decisions in Personal Bankruptcy Proceedings" (with N. Nadiv, and M. Ofir), 2021 (book chapter in: Behavioral Finance: A Novel Approach [ed. Venezia, Itzhak], World Scientific Publishers, London).

    • "Anchoring and Adjustment in the Mortgage Market - Evidence from Regulatory Experiment" (with M. Ofir), 2020 (book chapter in:  Measuring the Effectiveness of Real-Estate Regulation [ed. Levine-Schnur, Ronit], Springer Nature).

    • "When the Early Bird is too Early" (with A. Elkin), 2019 (book chapter in: Behavioral Finance: The Coming of Age [ed. Venezia, Itzhak], World Scientific Publishers, London).

    • "Heuristics and Biases in the Israeli Mortgage Market" (with M. Ofir, and Z. Wiener), 2016 (book chapter in: Behavioral Finance: Sophistication, Gender, Attention, Media, and Culture Effects on Investors Decisions [ed. Venezia, Itzhak], World Scientific Publishers, London).



    29. "Conditional Control: The Consequences of Expanding Creditors’ Right to Initiate Bankruptcy" (with A.Hamdani, R.Rooz, N.Steinberg, and Y.Yafeh), 2024 – (Journal of Law and Economics forthcoming
    Media coveragehttps://www.law.ox.ac.uk/business-law-blog/blog/2022/02/creditor-rights-implicit-covenants-and-quality-accounting-information


    28. "Performance Monitoring and the Incentives for Exertion of Effort" (with E.Winter, and T.Yafeh), 2024 – (Quarterly Journal of Finance Vol 14, No 2; LEAD ARTICLE) 


    27. "Prospect Theory in M&A: Do Historical Purchase Prices Affect Merger Offer Premiums and Announcement Returns?" (with B.Lauterbach, and S.Shemesh), 2024 – (Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance Vol. 42) 


    26. "Regulating Cash Holdings: Assessing Lost Returns In Mutual Funds" (with S.Ben-Rubi, and Z.Wiener), 2024 – (Finance Research Letters Vol. 62,B)   


    25. "Don’t Move My Cheese: Financial Advice Adaptation to Regulatory Change" (with M.Abudy, and I.Gildin), 2024 – (Finance Research Letters Vol. 61)  


    24. "National Pride, Investor Sentiment, and Stock Markets" (with M.Abudy, and E.Shust), 2023 – (Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money Vol. 89) 


    23. "Doing the right thing? The Voting Power Effect and Institutional Shareholder Voting" (with E.Dressler), 2023 – (Journal of Business Ethics Vol. 183)


    22. "Do Computerized Traders Follow Social Norms? Evidence from the Holocaust Remembrance Moment of Silence" (with M.Abudy, and I.Gildin), 2022 – (Finance Research Letters Vol. 48)  


    21. "The Winner Takes It All: Investor Sentiment and the Eurovision Song Contest" (with M.Abudy, and E.Shust), 2022 – (Journal of Banking & Finance Vol. 137) 
    The paper has been selected for inclusion in the Elsevier Research Selection.


    20. "The Exclamation Mark of Cain: Risk Attitude and Mutual Fund Flows" (with N.Steinberg and Z.Wiener), 2022 – (Journal of Banking & Finance Vol. 134)


    19. "Incentive Fees and Competition", 2022 – (Theory and Practice in Management - in Hebrew, Vol. 3)


    18. "Alternative Venues for Going Private in Israel: Legal Analysis and Empirical Evidence" (with B.Lauterbach and B.Yarkoni), 2022 – (TAU Law Review - in Hebrew, Vol. 46)


    17. "Debtors Always Remain Debtors: An Empirical View of Individual Insolvency Proceedings" (with M. Ofir and N.Nadiv), 2022 – (TAU Law Review - in Hebrew, Vol. 45)


    16. "Meaning and Gender Differences" (with J.Bezalel and E.Winter), 2021 – (Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics Vol. 95)


    15. "The Choice Between Various Freeze-Out Procedures and Its Consequences" (with B.Lauterbach, E.Lyandres, and B.Yarkoni), 2021 (Journal of Law, Finance, and Accounting Vol. 6-2) 
    Media coveragehttps://clsbluesky.law.columbia.edu/2021/07/29/the-choice-between-various-freeze-out-procedures-and-its-consequences/ 


    14. "Financial Less Is More: An Experimental Study of Financial Communication" (with A.Hurwitz and E.Lahav), 2021 – (Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics Vol. 94)
    Media coverage: https://pensionresearchcouncil.wharton.upenn.edu/blog/financial-less-is-more-an-experimental-study-of-financial-communication/


    13. "Stock Markets and Female Participation in the Labor Force" (with M.Abudy and Z.Wiener), 2021 – (Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money Vol. 74)


    12. "Out-of-Pocket vs. Out-of-Profit in Financial Advisory Fees: Evidence from the Lab" (with O.Sade and E.Winter), 2020 (Journal of Economic Psychology Vol. 81)


    11. "The Impact of Protective Mortgage Regulations on Household Borrowing Decisions" (with M. Ofir), 2020 (Studies on Regulation, NEVO - in Hebrew, Vol. 2), 75-95 https://www.nevo.co.il/


    10. "By the Light of Day: The Effect of Winter Time Switch on the Stock Markets" (with O.Yidov and Z.Wiener), 2020 – (Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money Vol. 65)


    9. "The Effect of Institutional Investors' Voice on the Terms and Outcome of Freeze-out Tender Offers" (with B.Lauterbach), 2020 – (Quarterly Journal of Finance, Vol. 10)


    8. "Reservation Prices in Shareholders’ Response to Freeze-out Tender Offers" (with A.Hamdani and B.Lauterbach), 2020 – (Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, Vol. 64, 1-10)


    7. "Government Guarantees and the Risk-Taking of Financial Institutions: Evidence from a Regulatory Experiment" (with C.Atanasova, M.Li, and M.Rastan), 2019 – (Journal of Asset Management Vol. 20, No. 6, 476–492)  https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1057%2Fs41260-019-00128-2.pdf


    6. "On the Failure of Mutual Fund Industry Regulation" (with Y.Hecht, and Z.Wiener), 2019 (Emerging Markets Review Vol. 38, 51-72)


    5. "Mortgage Loans and Bank Risk Taking: Finding the Risk Sweet Spot" (with J. Tzur and A. Jacobi), 2018  (Quarterly Journal of Finance Vol. 8, No. 4)


    4. "Incentive Fees and Competition in Pension Funds: Evidence from a Regulatory Experiment in Israel" (with E. Kandel, A.Hamdani, and Y.Yafeh), 2017 (Journal of Law, Finance, and Accounting, Vol 2, 49-86) 


    3. "How Homeowners Choose between Fixed and Adjustable Rate Mortgages?" (with M. Ofir, and Z. Wiener), 2016 (Quarterly Journal of Finance Vol 6, No 2)


    2. "Retirement Financial Literacy" (with O. Sade), 2014 (Economic Quarterly - in Hebrew: RivonL'Calcala); Reprinted in English (2017), Israel Economic Review Vol. 14, No. 1 (2016), 75-95


    1. "Long Term Savings Decisions: Financial reform, Peer Effects and Ethnicity" (with O. Sade, and M. Shayo), 2014 (Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization Vol. 106, 235-253)





    • "How Do Mutual Fund Management Fee Changes Impact Mutual Fund Flows?" (with N.Steinberg)
    • "Mergers and Acquisitions Forecasting via Machine Learning: An Analysis of Interlocking Director Networks" (with R.Shamir, Y. Tshuva, L. Muchnik, and Y. Louzoun)
    • "Lost in the FOG: Growing Complexity in Financial Reporting – A Comparative Study" (with D.Lesmi, and L.Muchnik) - revise and resubmit (2nd round)  
    • "Moving Average Distance and Anchoring: International Evidence" (with M. Abudy, and G.Kaplanski) - revise and resubmit 
      Media coverage: https://medium.com/@bauermartin101/unveiling-the-global-predictive-power-of-moving-average-distance-in-market-timing-part-ii-81de1abf470c
    • "Herding and Divergent Behaviors in Competition: An Experimental Study" (with E.Winter, and T.Yafeh) - revise and resubmit 
    • "Doyoureadme?? Temporal trends in the linguistic complexity of financial information " (with D.Lesmi, and L.Muchnik) 
    • "Fusing Identities: The 'I Am The Firm' Phenomenon in Eponymous Enterprises" (with D.Kliger and R.Rooz) - revised and resubmitted  
    • "Strategic Commitment to Forgo Information: Evidence from the Lab" (with Em.Kandel and E.Winter) - revise and resubmit (2nd round) 



    • "Behavioral Economics and its Applications to Public Policy" (with E.Winter), 2017 (in Hebrew). Israeli Prime Minister's Office
    • "Catch Me if You Can" (with Y. Hecht), 2017. Consumer Financial Fraud (FINRA – Investor Education Foundation)
    • "The Wise Salary Slip", 2013 (in Hebrew). State of Israel - Ministry of Finance - The Accountant General

    Last Updated Date : 17/07/2024