Prof. Israel Nebenzahl
New York University, Graduate School of Business Administration, N.Y.
Ph.D. - June 1974
Concentrated in Marketing and Operations Research
Dissertation Topic: "Selective Communications in Marketing"
Columbia University, Graduate School of Business, N.Y.
M.B.A. - February 1967
Concentrated in Production Management Systems
Dean's List
Columbia University, School of General Studies, N.Y.
B.S. - June 1965
Majored in Economics
Dean's List; Honors in Economics
Bar Ilan University, School of Business Administration, Israel
Apr. 98 - Present Associate Professor of Marketing
Oct. 97 - Present Head of Marketing Area
Oct. 92 - Mar. 98 Senior Lecturer in Marketing
Jan. 92 - Sept. 94 Deputy Head, School of Business Administration
Oct. 91 - Sept. 92 Senior Teacher in Marketing
Bar Ilan University, Dept. of Economics & Business Administration, Israel
Oct. 89 - Jan. 91 On Sabbatical leave
Oct. 86 - Sept. 91 Senior Teacher in Marketing
Sept. 87 - Jul. 89 Vice Chairman, Dept. of Economics & Business
Administration and Head of the M.B.A. program
Oct. 84 - Jul. 94 Director of the Departmental Micro Computers Laboratory
Oct. 76 - Sept. 86 Lecturer in Marketing
Committee membership (past and present):
Bar Ilan Research & Development Co.:
Member, board of Directors
The Faculty of Social Sciences:
Acquisitions; Audio-Visual Services; Computing & Communications.
School of Business Administration:
Admissions & Students' Status (Chairman); Curriculum Committees;
Marketing Area Committee (Chairman); Computing & Communication
(Chairman); Library (Chairman).
Department of Economics & Bus. Adm.:
MBA Curriculum (Chairman); BA Curriculum in Business Administration
(Chairman); Library; Students' Status; New Building Planning; Acquisitions;
Scholarships and Prizes.
Hebrew University, School of Business Administration
Oct. 94 - Sept. 96 Adjunct Senior Lecturer of Marketing (part time)
Baruch College, The City University of New York, Dept. of Marketing, N.Y.
Sept. 89 - Aug. 90 Visiting Associate Professor of Marketing
College of Business Administration, Tel Aviv, Israel
Nov. 88 - Sept. 89 Adjunct Senior Lecturer (part time)
Oct. 84 - Oct. 88 Dean of Students and Lecturer (part time)
Oct. 78 - Sept. 83 Academic Advisor and Lecturer (part time)
Tel Aviv University, Graduate School of Business, Israel
Oct. 78 - Jul. 79 Adjunct Lecturer (part time)
Ben Gurion University, Faculty of Industrial Management, Israel
Oct. 76 - Jul. 78 Adjunct Lecturer (part time)
Rider College, Trenton, N.J.
Sept. 71 - Jul. 76 Assistant Professor
In charge of the introduction of Management Science
courses on the curriculum of The School of Business.
Touro College, New York, N.Y.
Feb. 75 - Jul. 76 Adjunct Assistant Professor (part time)
Israel Management Center, Israel
Oct. 80 - Jul. 89 Academic Advisor in Business Games -
National Competition among Managers;
Business Game Workshop Seminars.
The Management Training Center, Bar Ilan University, Israel
Oct. 78 - Jul. 89 Senior Lecturer
Coordinated Business Games Seminars in which participants' behavior as team members is observed
and evaluated.
Consumer Behavior; Seminar in Marketing; Marketing Research;
Statistical Methods for Marketing Research; International Marketing; Business Game
Consumer Behavior; Seminar in Marketing; Marketing Research;
Industrial Marketing; Measuring Advertising Effectiveness;
American Marketing Association (AMA)
European International Business Academy (EIBA)
Association for Consumer Research (ACR)
Association of Business Simulation and Experiential Learning (ABSEL)
Industrial Marketing Management journal
1995 - Present Member of the editorial board.
European International Business Academy (EIBA)
Chairman of session M9: "Work Ethics and Work Values" in "Work Values and Organizational Behavior Toward the New Millennium" Seventh Bi-Annual Conference of the International Society for the Study of Work and Organizational Values (ISSWOV), Jerusalem, June 25-28, 2000.
Program Committee Chairperson of the European International Business Academy (EIBA) 24th Annual Conference to be held in Jerusalem, Dec. 13-15, 1998.
Chairman of session W6: "Relation Management and Relation-Research in International Business" European International Business Academy (EIBA) 23rd Annual Conference, Stuttgart, Germany, Dec. 14-16, 1997.
International Society for the Study of Work and organizational Values (ISSWOV)
Chairman of session M9: “Work Ethics and work values” International Society for the Study of Work and organizational Values (ISSWOV) 7th Bi-Annual Conference, Jerusalem, Israel, June 25-28, 2000.
KarismaTech, LTD., Israel
1997 - Present Position: Chairman of the Board of Directors
KarismaTech is an R&D company, recently graduated the J.C. Tech Incubator Company and supported by the Israeli Government, whose mission is to bring to the develop my "Configurable Keyboard" invention (see "patents" below). Recently, private investors and the Edmond de Rothschild Venture Capital Management fund invested $1,300K in the company.
ScreenBoard Technologies, Inc., USA
2000 – Present Member of the Board of Directors
ScreenBoard Technologies is a fully owned USA subsidiary of KarismaTech whose mission is to develop the marketing of the Configurable Keyboard in the world markets.
Pollimeter, Inc., USA
2001 – Present Member of the Advisory Board
Pollimeter is developing an innovative line of products for interactive measurement of human reactions to research questions, as in marketing research.
Shillan, Consulting & Business Administration, LTD., Israel
1983 - 1996 Position: President
Shillan was a consulting company, fully owned by myself, which provided consulting services in marketing, marketing research, and corporate strategy.
Clients included key Israeli firms in industry, services and banking.
In order to allocate more time for academic research,
in recent years activities of the company were suspended.
CBS, Direct Marketing Services Division, New York, N.Y.
1969 - 1971 Position: Manager, Operations Research Department.
Sinclair Oil Co., New York, N.Y.
1967 - 1969 Position: Operations Research Analyst
A research grant for publishing the book: National Image and Competitive Advantage: The Theory and Practice of Country of Origin Effect, was received from The Research Authority, Bar-Ilan University, 2000.
A research grant for the study "The Use of Subliminal Communications in Advertising" was received from Elite, Ltd., Ramat-Gan, Israel, 1989.
A research grant for the study "Multinational Production: Effect on Brand Value" (with Johny K. Johansson) was received from a Japanese car manufacturer, 1984.
"Configurable Keyboard"
This invention was reviewed and published by the following patent offices:
- Ukraine Patent No. 93002224, 2000.
- Canadian Patent No. 2,021,204, January 18, 2000.
- Japan Patent No. 2780859, May 15,1998.
- Indian Patent No. 177288, December 21, 1996.
- European Patent No. 0410640 May 1, 1996;
- Israel Patent No. 91076, May 23, 1993;
- United States Patent No. 5,164,723 Nov. 17, 1992;
It should be noted that each patent application must summarize the prior knowledge and prove that it contains a significant original contribution. The review process is done independently by each patent office and is at least as rigorous as that of the most demanding academic publications.
Kavak, Bahtisen (Ph.D.), a faculty member of Hacettepe University, Faculty of Economics & Administration Sciences, Department of Business Administration, Turkey. (Supervised by Prof. Eugene D. Jaffe and myself 1998-1999.) Her research resulted in the paper “Consumers’ Punishment and Rewarding Process via Purchasing Behavior,” Teaching Business Ethics Vol. 3, 2001, 1-23.
Zhao, Bingxin (Ph.D.), a faculty member of Shandong University, School of Business and Management, China. Dr. Zhao is a recipient of a fellowship from “The Fred and Barbara Kort Sino-Israel Post Doctoral Fellowship Program at Bar-Ilan University” for the 2002/2003 academic year.
Schorr, Israel MNC Entry into a Domestic Market: Mapping the Strategic Reactions of Domestic Firms. Ph.D. Thesis, Graduate School of Business Administration, Bar-Ilan University, 2001. (Supervised by Prof. Eugene D. Jaffe and myself).
May-Tal, Smadar Consumer and Economic Socialization of Israeli Children: A Comparative Examination between Adult-Care Children and Self-Care Children. Master Thesis, Graduate School of Business Administration, Bar-Ilan University, 2000.
Levy, Shalom The Effect of Negative Advertising on Attitude Change and Persuasion in Different levels of Involvement in Political Marketing. Master Thresis, Graduate School of Business Administration, Bar-Ilan University, 1998.
Behar, Joshua The interface between Sales and Purchasing in the Israeli High-Tech Industry. Master Thresis, Graduate School of Business Administration, Bar-Ilan University, 1998.
Bossy-Yehoshua, Irrit Developing Scales for the Measurement of Brand Image Ph.D. Thesis, Graduate School of Business Administration, Bar-Ilan University.
May-Tal, Smadar Children’s Social Group Membership Influence on Brand Preference and Adoption. Ph.D. Thesis, Graduate School of Business Administration, Bar-Ilan University,
Steinmetz, Haya, The Potential Influence of Computer-Mediated Communication versus Face-to Face Communication Ph.D. Thesis, Graduate School of Business Administration, Bar-Ilan University.
Nebenzahl, I. D., Jaffe, E. D. and Usunier, J-C. “Personifying Country of Origin Research,” Management International Review (in press).
Nebenzahl, I. D., Jaffe, E. D. and Kavak, B. “Consumers’ Punishment and Rewarding Process via Purchasing Behavior,” Teaching Business Ethics Vol. 3, 2001, 1-23.
Delner N., Katzenstein H. and Nebenzahl, I. D. "Cross National Comparison of Household Purchasing Roles: USA and Israel," Journal of Customer Services in Marketing and Management Vol. 4 No.1, 1998, 1-29.
Nebenzahl, I. D. & Jaffe, E. D. "Ethical Dimensions of Advertising Executions," Journal of Business Ethics, 17, 1998, 805-815.
Nebenzahl, I. D., Jaffe, E. D. and Lampert, S. I. "Towards a Theory of Country Image Effect on Product Evaluation," Management International Review, Vol. 37 No. 1, 1997, 27-49.
Nebenzahl, I. D. and Jaffe, E. D. "Measuring the Joint Effect of Brand and Country Image in Consumer Evaluation of Global Products," International Marketing Review Vol. 13 No. 4, 1996, 5-22. Reprinted : Journal of Marketing Practice: Applied Marketing Science, Vol. 3 No. 3, 1997, 190-207.
Secunda, E. D. and Nebenzahl, I. D., "Consumers' Attitudes Towards Intermission Time in Movies Theaters," International Journal of Advertising Vol. 14 No. 2, 1995, 115-132.
Nebenzahl, I. D and Jaffe, E. D. "Facsimile Transmission vs. Mail Delivery of Self-Administered Questionnaires in Industrial Survey," Industrial Marketing Management Vol. 24 No. 3, 1995, 167-175.
Nebenzahl, I. D. and Secunda, E. D., "Consumers' Attitudes Toward Product Placement in Movies," International Journal of Advertising, Vol. 12 No. 1, 1993, 1-11.
Usunier, J-C., Nebenzahl, I. D. and Jaffe, E. D., Pays d'Origine et Strategie de Prix," Revue Francaise du Marketing, No. 141, 1993/1, 35-50.
Nebenzahl, I. D., Jaffe, E. D. and Gotesdyner H. "Perceptions of Israeli Male and Female Managerial Behavior in Small Group Interactions," International Studies of Management and Organization, Vol. 23 No. 2, 1993, 97-111.
Jaffe, E. D. and Nebenzahl, I. D., "Researchers' Responsibility and Science", Psychological Reports, Vol. 70, 1992, 593-594.
Nebenzahl, I. D. and Jaffe, E. D., "The Effectiveness of Sponsored Events in Promoting Country Image", International Journal of Advertising, Vol. 10, No. 3, 1991, 223-237.
Kabak, I. W., Nebenzahl I. D. and Siomkos G. J., "Balancing the Media Budget, Reach and Frequency in Marketing Communications: a Macro Approach", SPOUDAI, Vol. 40, No. 1-4, Jan. - Dec. 1990, 3-26.
Jaffe, E. D. and Nebenzahl, I. D., "Group Interaction and Business Game Performance", Simulation and Gaming, Vol. 21, No. 2, June 1990, 133-146.
Jaffe, E. J., Nebenzahl, I. D. and Gotesdyner H., "Personality and Effective Leadership: A Reply", Psychological Reports, Vol. 65, 1989, 1-2.
Jaffe, E. J., Nebenzahl, I. D. and Gotesdyner H., "Machiavellianism, Task Orientation and Team Effectiveness Revisited", Psychological Reports, Vol. 64, 1989, 819-824.
Jaffe, E. D., Nebenzahl, I. D. and Pasternak, H., "The Export Behavior of Small and Medium Sized Israeli Manufacturers", Journal of Global Marketing, Vol. 2, No. 2, 1988, 27-51.
Johansson, J. K. and Nebenzahl, I. D., "Country of Origin, Social Norms and Behavioral Intentions", in Tamer S. Cavusgil, ed., Advances in International Marketing, Vol. 2, 1987, (pp. 65-79). Greenwich, Connecticut: JAI Press.
Johansson, J. K. and Nebenzahl, I. D., "Multinational Production: Effect on Brand Value", Journal of International Business Studies, Vol. 17, Fall 1986, 101-126.
Jaffe, E. D. and Nebenzahl, I. D. "Finding the Right Segment for Lottery Buyers", European Research, Vol. 14, No. 2, 1986, 78-81.
Nebenzahl, I. D. and Hornik J., "An Experimental Study on the Effectiveness of Commercial Billboards In Televised Sports Arenas", International Journal of Advertising, Vol. 4, No. 1, 1985, 27-36.
Nebenzahl, I. D., "Motivation, Criteria and Attributes of Business Games", Simulation and Games, Vol. 15, No. 4, Dec. 1984, 445-466.
Jaffe, E. D. and Nebenzahl, I. D., "Alternative Questionnaire Formats for Country Image Studies", Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 21, Nov. 1984, 463-471.
Bloch, T. and Nebenzahl, I. D., "Respondents' Bias in Mail Surveys", Psychological Reports, Vol. 53, 1983, 1227-1230.
Nebenzahl, I. D., "Empirical Research in Selective Communications", Journal of the Academy of Marketing Sciences, Vol. 5, Winter 1977, 57-74.
Nebenzahl, I. D. "Knowledge Creation and Transfer: The Emergence of Israel as a High-Tech Powerhouse," International Business and the Global Services Economy:Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the European International Business Academy (EIBA), Manchester, Great Britain, December 12-14, 1999. Published on CD.
Nebenzahl, I. D. and Jaffe, E. D. "The Dynamics of Country-of-Origin Effect: The case of South Korea," Innovation and International Business: Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference of the European International Business Academy (EIBA), Stockholm, 15-17 December, 1996, Vol. 2, 546-563.
Jaffe, E. D., Nebenzahl, I. D. and Lampert, Shlomo "The Role of Country-of-Origin Effect in Consumer Decision Making: An Integrative Paradigm," in Krzysztof Obtoj, ed.High Speed Competition in a New Europe. Proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference, EIBA, Warsaw, December 11-14, 1994, 79-105.
Jaffe E. D. and Nebenzahl, I. D., "Shift in the Perceptual Dimension of Global Brands as a Result of International Production Sourcing," Proceedings of the 19th Annual Conference of EIBA held in Lisbon, Dec. 12-14, 1993, 462-473.
Nebenzahl, I. D., Jaffe, E. D. and Elizur D., "A Facet Analysis of Purchasing Behavior of Working and Non-Working Women in Israel," Proceedings of the Fourth International Facet Theory Conference Held in Prague, August 29 - September 1, 1993, 342-350.
Usunier, J-C, Nebenzahl, I. D. and Jaffe, E. D., "L'Elasticite Prix en Fonction du Pays d'Origine: Une Approache Methodologique", Actes de l'Association Francaise de Marketing, Vol. 8, 1992, 426-445.
Nebenzahl, I. D. and Jaffe, E. D., "Shifting Production to East European Countries: Effect on Brand Value", Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference of the European International Business Association held in Copenhagen, Dec. 15-17, 1991, 279-308.
Jaffe, E. D. and Nebenzahl, I. D., "On the Measurement of Country Image: An Alternative Methodology", Proceedings of the 1991 Annual Meeting/Northeast Region Academy of International Business held in Bermuda, June 2-7, 1991. (This paper was among the ten best papers selected for publication in the proceedings.)
Nebenzahl, I. D., and Jaffe, E. D., "A Methodological Approach to the Estimation of Demand Functions from Country-of-Origin Effect", in Dynamics of International Business: Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference the European International Business Association held in Helsinki, Finland, 17-19 Dec. 1989, edited by Reijo Luostarinen, Vol. 1, 385-414.
Jaffe, E. D. and Nebenzahl, I. D., "Global Promotion of Country Image - The Case of the 1988 Korean Olympic Games", in Dynamics of International Business: Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference of the European International Business Association held in Helsinki, Finland, 17-19 Dec. 1989, ed. Reijo Luostarinen, Vol. 1, 357-384.
Jaffe, E. D. and Nebenzahl, I. D., "On the Measurement of Halo Effect in Country of Origin Studies," in H. C. Meisner, ed. East-West Economic and Business Relations: Systematic Analysis and Perspectives of Development, Proceedings of the 14th Annual Meeting of the European International Business Association, Berlin, December 11-13, 1988.
Stashevsky, S. and Nebenzahl, I. D., “Internet Surfing at the Workplace and at Home,” in: Sagie A. and Stasiak, M., eds., Work Values and Behavior in an Era of Transformation Proceedings of the 8th Bi-annual Conference of the International Society for the Study of Work and Organizational Values (ISSWOV). Warsaw, June 24-27, 2002, 449-455.
Lampert, S. I. And Nebenzahl, I. D., "Work Values of the Israeli Jewish Ultra-Orthodox Social Group" Work Values and Organizational Behavior Toward the New Millennium, Proceedings of the Seventh Bi-Annual Conference of the International Society for the Study of Work and Organizational Values (ISSWOV), Jerusalem, June 25-28, 2000, 327-333.
Nebenzahl, I. D., Jaffe, E. D. and Usunier, J-C "Developing Cross Cultural Scales for the Measurement of Country Image," Working Paper WP 1-2000, Department of International Economics and Management, Copenhagen Business School, January, 2000.
Nebenzahl, I. D. "On the Measurement of Global Impressions", Dimensions of International Business, No. 5, Spring 1991.N. Papadopoulos, ed. Ottawa Canada: The International Business Study Group, School of Business, Carlton University, 19-54.
Roth, A., Laniado, S., Nebenzahl, I. D., Vishlintzky, V., Alroy, Y., and Kaplinsky E., "Improving Self-Confidence in Cardiac Patients Subscribed to a New Medical Emergency Systems", Intensive and Critical Care Medicine: Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on Intensive and Critical Care Medicine, Kyoto, 3-8 Sept. 1989, edited by Osamu Aochi, Keisuke Amaha and Hiroshi Takashita. New York: Excerpta Medica, 1990, 825.
Nebenzahl, I. D., "Principles of Marketing and Marketing Communications", Ha-Mifal (The Enterprise), (Hebrew), August, 1987.
Nebenzahl, I. D., "Eye Tracking Testing in Design and Marketing", Ariza Ve-Itsuv (Packaging and Design), (Hebrew), Vol. 23, Sept. 1984, 14.
Nebenzahl, I. D. and Dekel, Y., "Business Games: Conclusions from the First National Competition", Nihul (Management), (Hebrew) June 1981, 12-13.
Nebenzahl, I. D. "Business Games: Attributes and Potential Applications", Nihul (Management), (Hebrew) June 1981, 6-7.
Jaffe, E. D. and Nebenzahl, I. D., National Image and Competitive Advantage: The Theory and Practice of Country of Origin Effect. (Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School Press: 2001).
The book was reviewed in:
- Journal of International Business Studies (2001), www.jibs.net - August, 01.
- Nihul – Israel Managers Magazine 143, (December, 2001), 89-90 (Hebrew).
- EIBA (European International Business Academy) Newsletter, (June, 2001), 24.
- AIB (Academy of International Business) Newsletter, (Third Quarter, 2001), 5.
- Brand Management, 9, 4-5, (April 2002), pp. 396-398.
- Transnational Corporations 11, 1, (April, 2001), 130-135.
Jaffe, E. D., Nebenzahl, I. D. and Te'eni, D., Editors, International Business Strategies and Middle East Regional Cooperation. Proceedings of the 24th Annual EIBA (European International Business Academy, 1998) Conference, Jerusalem, December 13-15.
Nebenzahl. I. D., "Consumers' Awareness of a Brand's Origin Country and Made-in Country: Development of Research Methodology and Initial Results," in Basil Englis and Anna Olofsson (eds.) European Advances in Consumer Research, vol. III, (Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research; 1997), 149-153.
Jaffe, E. D. and Nebenzahl, I. D., "Global Promotion of Country Image: Do the Olympics Count?" Chapter 18 in Nicolas Papadopoulos and Louise A. Heslop, (eds.),Product-Country Images: Impact and Role in International Marketing (New York: The Haworth Press; 1993), 433-452.
Nebenzahl, I. D. and Jaffe, E. D., "Estimating Demand Functions from the Country-of-Origin Effect," Chapter 6 in Nicolas Papadopoulos and Louise A. Heslop, (eds.),Product-Country Images: Impact and Role in International Marketing (New York: The Haworth press; 1993), 159-176.
Stashevsky, S. and Nebenzahl, I. D., "Internet Surfing at the Workplace and at Home" presented at the 8th Bi-Annual Conference of the International Society for the Study of Work and Organizational Values (ISSWOV), Warsaw, June 24-27, 2002.
Lampert, S. I. And Nebenzahl, I. D., "Work Values of the Israeli Jewish Ultra-Orthodox Social Group" presented at the 7th Bi-Annual Conference of the International Society for the Study of Work and Organizational Values (ISSWOV), Jerusalem, June 25-28, 2000.
Nebenzahl, I. D., "Knowledge Creation and Transfer: The Emergence of Israel as a High-Tech Powerhouse," The 25th Annual Conference of the European International Business Academy (EIBA), Manchester, Great Britain, December 12-14, 1999.
Nebenzahl, I. D. and Lampert, S., "Cultural Effects on the Preferred Method of Payment: The Israeli Ultra Orthodox Group," 34th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology, Tel-Aviv, July 11-15,1999.
Lampert, S., Nebenzahl, I. D. and Yaffe, R., "The Interaction of Country-of-Origin, Brand, Service Provider and Warrantee on Consumers' Product Evaluation" paper presented at the 24th Annual EIBA (European International Business Academy) Conference, Jerusalem, December 13-15, 1998.
Nebenzahl, I. D. "Product Placement in Movies as an International Advertising Medium" The 23rd Annual Conference of the European International Business Academy (EIBA), Stuttgrat, Germany, Dec. 14-16, 1997.
Jaffe, E. D. and Nebenzahl, I. D., "Some Unexplored Ethical Advertising Considerations," The European Business Ethics Network (EBEN) Conference, Prague, September 10-12, 1997.
Nebenzahl. I. D., "Consumers' awareness of a Brand's Origin Country and Made-in Country: Development of Research Methodology and Initial Results," Association for Consumer Research European Conference, Stockholm, June 25-28, 1997.
Nebenzahl I. D., "Consumers' Perceptions of TV Commercials: Initiation of a Longitudinal Study," The 22nd Annual Conference of the European International Business Academy (EIBA), Stockholm, Dec. 15-17, 1996.
Nebenzahl, I. D. and Jaffe, E. D. "The Dynamics of Country-of-Origin Effect: The case of South Korea," The 22nd Annual Conference of the European International Business Academy (EIBA), Stockholm, Dec. 15-17, 1996.
Jaffe E. D. and Nebenzahl, I. D., "The Role of Time Orientation Effect on Shopping Behavior: Does Culture Matter?" 21st Annual Conference of the European International Business Academy, University of Urbino, Italy, Dec. 12, 1955.
Nebenzahl, I. D. and Jaffe, E. D. "A cross Cultural Study of Time Orientation and Shopping Behavior: Innovation," Fourth Annual World Business Congress Technology and Information Management for Global Development and competitiveness, International Management Development Association (IMDA) held in Istanbul, July 12-16, 1995.
Nebenzahl, I. D., Jaffe, E. D. and Lampert, Shlomo "The Role of Country-of-Origin Effect in Consumer Decision Making: An Integrative Paradigm, The 20th Annual Conference of EIBA, Warsaw, Dec. 11-14, 1994.
Jaffe E. D. and Nebenzahl, I. D., "Shift in the Perceptual Dimension of Global Brands as a Result of International Production Sourcing," The 19th Annual Conference of the European International Business Association (EIBA) held in Lisbon, Dec. 12-14, 1993.
Nebenzahl, I. D., "Intra-Team Power Interactions in Management Simulations," The 9th European Forum on Simulation and Management Gaming Held in Bad Neuenahr, Germany , Nov. 15-17, 1993.
Nebenzahl, I. D., Jaffe, E. D. and Elizur D., "A Facet Analysis of Purchasing Behavior of Working and Non-Working Women in Israel," The Fourth International Facet Theory Conference Held in Prague, August 29 - September 1, 1993.
Usunier, J-C, Nebenzahl, I. D. and Jaffe, E. D., "L'Elasticite Prix en Fonction du Pays d'Origine: Une Approache Methodologique", Congres International de l'Association Francaise de Marketing a Lyon, May 14-15, 1992.
Nebenzahl, I. D. and Jaffe, E. D., "Shifting Production to East European Countries: Effect on Brand Value", The 17th Annual Conference of EIBA held in Copenhagen, Dec. 15-17, 1991.
Jaffe, E. D. and Nebenzahl, I. D., "A Judgmental Approach to the Measurement of Country Image", The 1991 Annual Meeting/Northeast Region of the Academy of International Business, Bermuda, June 2-7, 1991.
Nebenzahl, I. D., "Errors in the Measurement of Halo Errors in Opinion Surveys: When Correlational Methods Fail", International Conference on Measurement Errors in Surveys, Tucson, Arizona, Nov. 11-14, 1990.
Nebenzahl, I. D., and Jaffe, E. D., "A Methodological Approach to the Estimation of Demand Functions from Country-of-Origin Effect", The 15th Annual Conference of the European International Business Association (EIBA), Helsinki, Finland, Dec. 17-19 1989.
Jaffe, E. D. and Nebenzahl, I. D., "Global Promotion of Country Image-The Case of the 1988 Korean Olympic Games", The 15th Annual Conference of the European International Business Association (EIBA), Helsinki, Finland, Dec. 17-19 1989.
Roth, A., Laniado, S., Nebenzahl, I. D., Vishlintzky, V., Alroy, Y., and Kaplinsky, E., "Improved Self Confidence in Cardiac Patients Subscribed to a New Medical Emergency System", The 5th World Congress on Intensive and Critical Care Medicine, Tokyo, Japan, Sept. 1989.
Jaffe, E. D. and Nebenzahl, I. D., "On the Measurement of Halo Effect in Country Image Studies", The 14th Annual Conference of the European International Business Association (EIBA), Berlin, W. Germany, Dec. 11-13 1988.
Johansson, J. K. and Nebenzahl, I. D., "Multinational Production: Effect on Brand Value", The Academy of International Business (AIB) Annual Meeting, Cleveland, Ohio, Oct. 17-20, 1985.
Nebenzahl, I. D., "Techniques for Deriving Personal Probability Estimates from Executives", The Second International Symposium on Forecasting, Istanbul, Turkey, July 1982.
Nebenzahl, I. D., "Criteria for the Design and Evaluation of Business Games", the 12th Annual Conference of the International Simulation and Gaming Association (ISAGA), Haifa, Israel, Aug. 1981.
Nebenzahl, I. D. and Goren, A., "Managing a National Business Game Competition: The Israeli Experience", The 12th Annual Conference of the International Simulation and Gaming Association (ISAGA), Haifa, Israel, Aug. 1981.
Nebenzahl, I. D., Chairman of the "Simulation in Business and Education" track at the 12th Annual Conference of the International Simulation and Gaming Association (ISAGA), Haifa, Israel, Aug. 1981.
Kabak, I. W. and Nebenzahl, I. D., "Balancing the Media Budget, Reach and Frequency in Marketing Communications: A Macro Approach", Joint National Meeting of Operations Research Society of America and The Institute of Management Science (ORSA-TIMS), Miami, Florida, Nov. 1976.
Kabak, I. W. and Nebenzahl, I. D., "Optimal Allocation for Serial Efforts", (with Irwin W. Kabak), Joint National Meeting of Operations Research Society of America and The Institute of Management Science (ORSA-TIMS), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April 1976.
Nebenzahl, I. D., "Measuring Advertising Effectiveness in a Multi-Segmented Market", The 11th Annual Meeting, Southeastern Chapter, The Institute of Management Science (TIMS), Charleston, South Carolina, Oct. 16-17 1975.
Nebenzahl, I. D., "Measuring Advertising Effectiveness in a Segmented Market", The 10th Annual Meeting, Southeastern Chapter, The Institute of Management Science (TIMS), Orlando, Florida, Oct. 1974.
"Anbar Ellectronic Intelligence Citation of Excellence: Highest Quality Rating" was awarded for the paper "Measuring the Joint Effect of Brand and Country Image in Consumer Evaluation of Global Products," International Marketing Review, 13 (4) 5-22, 1996 (with Eugene D. Jaffe).
A First Prize in the Annual Competition for Excellent research proposal in Marketing. Granted by the Dick Segal Research in Marketing Fund, Tel Aviv University, 1982 for the study: "Billboard Penetration into Noncommercial Television".
Last Updated Date : 08/12/2024