Dr. Raveh Harush
Multiple identities, Teams, Leadership, and Globalization
70-892 Business Game (Business Simulation)
70-660-15 Cross-Cultural Management
70-667-15 Team Leadership & Management
Harush R., Loewenstein, J., Klang M., & Robin M. (forthcoming) My department or my company? Group status, identity configurations, and citizenship behaviors. Group & Organization Management 10.1177/10596011221121463
Lisak, A., Harush, R., Icekson, T., & Harel, S. (2022) Team Interdependence as a Substitute for Empowering Leadership Contribution to Team Meaningfulness and Performance. Front. Psychol. 13:637822. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.637822
Harush, R., (2021) Global Identity: A lever for improving performance of global teams. Theory and Practice in Management, 2: (33-45). (Hebrew)
Lisak, A., & Harush, R. (2021). Global and local identities on the balance scale: Predicting transformational leadership and effectiveness in multicultural teams. PloS one, 16(7), e0254656.
Erez, M., Lisak, A., & Harush, R. (2019). The Leadership Role in Creative Problem-Solving and Innovation In M. D. Mumford, & M. E. Todd (Ed.), Creativity and Innovation in Organizations, SIOP Organizational Frontiers Series (pp. 197-224). New York, NY: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
Harush, R.,, Lisak, A., & Glikson, E. (2018). The Bright Side of Social Categorization: The Role of Global Identity in Reducing Relational Conflict in Multicultural Distributed Teams. Cross Cultural & Strategic Management, 25(1): 134-156.
Harush, R., Lisak, A., & Erez, M. (2016). Extending the global acculturation model to untangle the culture mixing puzzle. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 47(10): 1395-1408
Erez, M., Lisak, A., Harush, R., Glikson, E., Nouri, R., & Shokef, E. (2013). Going global: Developing management students' cultural intelligence and global identity in virtual culturally diverse teams. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 12(3): 330-355.
Hareli, S., Harush, R., Suleiman, R., Cossette, M., Bergeron, S., Lavoie, V., Dugay, G., & Hess, U. (2009). When scowling may be a good thing: The influence of anger expressions on credibility. European Journal of Social Psychology, 39(4): 631-638.
Conference Presentations
Salhov Y., Harush R., & Chen G., (August, 2022) Status Dynamics in Multi Team Membership Context: Implication for Employees' Identification and Proactivity Choices. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Seattle, Washington, 2022
Salhov Y., Gencay, O., Harush R., & Chen G., (July, 2022) Getting Ahead or Burning Out? Career Outcomes of Employee Proactivity Across Teams. INGRoup, Hamburg, Germany, 2022
Lisak, A., Harush, R., (May, 2022). Leadership effectiveness in multicultural team context: The advantages of leaders’ balanced identity configuration. 5th Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Leadership Symposium, Mykonos, Greece.
Lisak, A., Harush, R. Icekson, T & Harel, S. (October, 2020) When Members Substitute for Empowering Leadership: Contributions to Team Meaningfulness and Performance. INGRoup virtual conference.
Salhov Y., Harush R., & Chen G. (August, 2020) The Challenges and Opportunities in Multiple Team Membership Work: Employee Engagement Across Teams and Career-Related Outcomes. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, virtual conference.
Salhov Y., Harush R., & Chen G. (January, 2020) The Challenges and Opportunities in Multiple Team Membership Work: Employee Engagement Across Teams and Career-Related Outcomes. Fifth Israel Organizational Behavior Conference (IOBC), Tel-Aviv, Israel
Harush R., Loewenstein, J., Klang M., & Robin M. (January, 2020) The role of group status in identity configurations and organizational citizenship behaviors. Fifth Israel Organizational Behavior Conference (IOBC), Tel-Aviv, Israel
Levite-Vaknin, S., Harush, R., Harel, S., & Yaniv E. (January, 2020) Minimum Viable Team (MVT): Exploring early stages of startup founding team. Fifth Israel Organizational Behavior Conference (IOBC), Tel-Aviv, Israel
Harush R., Loewenstein, J., Klang M., & Rubin M. (July, 2019) The role of group status in identity configurations and organizational citizenship behaviors. INGRoup Conference, Lisbon, Portugal.
Glikson, E., Harush, R., Ki-Won H., Kim, Y.J., & Woolley, A.W. (August, 2018). Collective Intelligence and Multicultural Globally Dispersed Team Performance: The Role of Collectivism and Team Interdependence. Academy of Management Specialized Conference From Startup to Scale-up, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
Glikson, E., Harush, R., Kim, Y.J., Woolley, A.W., & Erez, M. (July, 2018). Working like a “Real Team” Interdependence and Collective Intelligence in Multicultural Globally Dispersed Team Performance. INGRoup Conference, Washington, DC, USA.
Lisak, A., Harush, R., & Erez, M., (July, 2018). The Importance of Identity Balance: Predicting Leadership Effectiveness in Multicultural Teams. INGRoup Conference, Washington, DC, USA.
Harush, R., Lisak, A., & Glikson, E. (July, 2017). The Bright Side of Social Categorization: The Role of Global Identity in Reducing Relational Conflict in Multicultural Distributed Teams. INGRoup Conference, Saint Luis, MO, USA.
Lisak, A., Harush, R., & Erez, M., (May, 2017). Putting Leaders’ Global and Local Identities on the Balance Scale to Predict Multicultural Team Leadership Effectiveness. 2nd Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Leadership Symposium, Mykonos, Greece.
Harush, R. Lisak A., & Erez, M. (August, 2016). Developing the global acculturation model to untangle the culture mixing puzzle. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, CA, USA.
Glikson, E., Harush, R., Kim, Y.J., Woolley, A.W., & Erez, M. (July, 2016). Psychological Safety and Collective Intelligence in Multicultural Globally Dispersed Teams. INGRoup Conference, Helsinki, Finland.
Harush, R., Lisak, A. & Erez, M. (January, 2016). Developing the global acculturation model to untangle the culture mixing puzzle. Third Israel Organizational Behavior Conference (IOBC), Tel-Aviv, Israel.
Harush, R. & Erez, M. (August, 2015). Global and Local Identities behind Donation Decisions to Charitable Organizations. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, Canada. (Symposium organizers, “Contributions of Context-Related Global Characteristics to Global Work Effectiveness and Innovation”)
Harush, R., & Erez, M. (July, 2015). Global and local identities behind favoritism toward global and local ingroups. INGRoup Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
Harush, R., Glikson, E. & Erez, M. (January, 2014). The effect of social comparisons on virtual teams’ processes and performance. Second Israel Organizational Behavior Conference (IOBC), Tel-Aviv, Israel.
Harush, R., & Erez, M. (August, 2013). Global managers' allocation decisions as shaped by their local and global identities. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Orlando, Florida.
Lisak, A., & Harush, R. (August, 2013). Going global: Developing management students' global characteristics through a multicultural team project. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Orlando, Florida. Link (Panelist in symposium winner of “Global Forum Best Symposium” award from MED Division)
Harush, R., Glikson, E., Erez, M., & Nouri, R. (May, 2012). The effect of social comparisons processes on monitoring learning process and student’s achievements in online learning environment. The 10th Annual MEITAL National Conference, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel.
Harush, R., & Erez, M. (January, 2011). The relations between local and global identity to group favoritism behaviors in multinational organizations. First Israel Organizational Behavior Conference (IOBC), Tel-Aviv, Israel.
Hareli, S., & Harush, R. (2005). Negative emotions in customer service interactions. 14th Meeting of the International Society for Research on Emotions – ISRE, Bari, Italy.
Last Updated Date : 15/09/2022