Prof. Jacob (Yaacov) Weisberg
- Management Studies
- Human Resource Management
- Human Capital
- Organizational Behavior
- Strategy, Creativity and Innovation
1947 – Germany, Bergen – Belsen, D.P. Camp.
Immigration to Israel
Israeli, Irish
Jerusalem, Israel
University Studies & Degrees
Ph.D. England - University of London - London School of Economics and Political Science. Faculty of Economics, Department of Industrial Relations. (1980-1986).
Dissertation: “Labour Turnover: A case study of early quits in British Rail”.
M.Sc. Israel -Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa. Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management, Department of Industrial Relations, Management science (1972-1977).
Thesis: “Propensity to move among employees in Israel”.
B.A. Israel - Hebrew University (Haifa Inst.) - Faculty of Social Science. Departments of Sociology & Political Science (1968-1971).
Major Activities during Academic Career in Bar-Ilan University:
Director, Graduate School of Business (2002-2005)
Member, University Senate and Academic Council. (1988-1990; 2010- present)
Member, Senate Committees (2004-2008, 2010-2014)
Chair, Management Studies and Organisational Behaviour
Director, International MBA Program (2006-2007)
National & International Public and Academic Activities (Selected Activities)
1. MALAG - Israel's Council for Higher Education committees: Member, Academic committee for evaluation of academic programs.
2. Midroog - Moody’s Subsidiary, Credit Rating Agency. Rating Committee.
3. Member, Executive Committee, IIRA – Israel Industrial Relations Association..
4. Reviewer for International Journals, Foundations & Publishing Companies.
5. Head of Research, CRANET International, Israel (HRM and IR), 2000-2001.
Major Activities Prior to Academic Career:
Director, Department of Personnel and Labour Relations,
Government Corporations Authority, Israel Ministry of Finance, Jerusalem, (1978-1980)
Personnel Manager - Brookdale Institute of Gerontology & Adult Human Development (JDC -Israel), Jerusalem, Israel (1975-1978)
Personnel Administrator & Chief Assistant to VP HR and Administration, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel. (1973-1975).
Research Fields
- Analytic and Intuitive Decison Making
- Creativity, and Innovation Transformation of
- Labor Turnover
- Ambidexterious organizations-Exploration-Exploitation
- Knowledge Sharing
Research Projects
Ambidextrous organizations-Exploration-Exploitation
Analytic and Intuitive Decision Making
Creativity and Innovation
Teaching Courses (MBA)
(1) Industrial Relations
(2) Advanced issues in Management, HRM, OB and Labor Market
(3) Research Seminar
(4) Leaders in Business
(5) Management in Israel
In the past:
(1) Introduction to Management
(2) Quantitative methods in Human Resource Management – (Developed by Weisberg).
(3) Labour Turnover: A multidisciplinary approach – (Developed by Weisberg).
(4) Human Resources Management
(5) Organizational Behavior
Selected Conference presentations:
- Weisberg, J. (with Horovitz, S). The Effects of Job Insecurity on Work Performance and the Intention to Quit the Organization. International Society for the Study of Work and Organizational Values, Portugal, Lisbon, (27-30, June, 2010).|
- Weisberg, J. (with Koslowsky M.). Turnover intentions among knowledge workers in high-tech and low-tech organizations. Academy of Management Meeting. Chicago,USA, (7-11 August, 2009).
- Weisberg, J. (with Reychav, I.). Discrepancies between intention and behavior in knowledge sharing among high-tech workers. Academy of Management Meeting.Anaheim, California, USA, (8-13 August, 2008).
- Weisberg, J. (with Koslowsky M.). Career commitment as a moderator in organizational commitment models. International Society for the Study of Work and Organizational Values, Singapore, (23-26 June, 2008).
- Weisberg, J. (with Reychav, I.). The role of willingness to share knowledge mediates performance: Evidence from Israeli high-tech firms. International Society for the Study of Work and Organizational Values, Singapore, (23-26 June, 2008).
- Weisberg, J. (with Reychav, I.). Knowledge Sharing Impact on Rewards, Performance and Turnover Intentions. Academy of Management Meeting, Philadelphia, Penn,(Aug 3-8, 2007).
- Weisberg, J. Work Equity and Employee's intention to quit: Mediation effects of Job Satisfaction and Commitment. 19th Conference of Human Resource Management, Israel, (Nov. 26-28, 2007).
- Weisberg, J. (with Reycahv, I.), Willingness to Share Explicit and Tacit Knowledge and Sharing Behavior among High-Tech Workers. Eastern Academy of ManagementConference, New-Brunswick, New Jersey, (16-19 May, 2007).
- Weisberg J. (with Tziner A.), Effects of Trainee Characteristics and Perceptions on Training Effectiveness: A Non-Cross-Sectional Study. Eastern Academy ofManagement – International Conference, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, (24 - 28 June, 2007).
- Weisberg, J. (with Koslowsky M.), Turnover among knowledge workers in High-tech and Low-tech industries. SIOP (Society for Industrial and OrganizationalPsychology). New York, New York, (April 27-29, 2007).
- Weisberg, J. (with Carmeli A. & Kraizberg E.), Importance of Long-Term Exchange. Academy of Management Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia (11-16 August, 2006).
- Weisberg J, (with Reychav, I.). "Impact of Knowledge Sharing on Performance and Turnover", The Sixth International Conference on Knowledge Culture and Change in Organization, Italy (25-28 June, 2006).
- Weisberg J, (with Koslovsky M.). "Intention to Quit among Knowledge Employees: A Comparison between High-Tech versus Low-Tech Companies." International Society for the Study of Work and Organizational Values, Tallin, Estonia, (25-28 June, 2006).
- Weisberg J, (with Carmeli A. & Gilat, G.). "Perceived External Prestige, Cognitive and Affective Identification: A Stakeholder Approach". Academy of ManagementMeeting, New Orleans, Louisiana (6-11 August 2004).
- Weisberg J, (with Socha M.). “Earnings in Poland: The Private versus the Public Sector”. Academy of entrepreneurial Finance, 13th Annual meeting, New York, (25th-26th April, 2002).
Selected Publications
1. Reychav, I., & Weisberg, J. "Paved with good intentions: Discrepancies in Knowledge Sharing among High-Tech Workers". Int. J. of Knowledge Management Studies. (Forthcoming).
2. Reychav, I., & Weisberg, J. "Good for Workers, Good for Companies: How Knowledge Sharing benefits Individual Employees". Knowledge and Process Management. (Forthcoming).
3. Reychav, I., & Weisberg, J. "Bridging Intention and Behavior of Knowledge Sharing". Journal of Knowledge Management. (Forthcoming).
4. Weisberg J. "Evolutionary" and Revolutionary Events" Affecting HRM in ISRAEL: 1948-2008", Human Resource Management Review, (In Press).
5. Reychav, I., & Weisberg, J. "Going beyond Technology: Knowledge Sharing as a Tool for Enhancing Customer-oriented Attitudes". International Journal of Information Management, 29(5), 2009, 353-361.
6. Carmeli, A., Yitzhak-Halevy, M., & Weisberg, J. "The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Psychological Wellbeing". Journal of Managerial Psychology. 24(1), 2009, 66-78.
7. Tziner, A., Fisher, M., Senior, T., & Weisberg, J. "Effects of Trainee Characteristics on Training Effectiveness". International Journal of Selection and Assessment. Vol. 15(2), 2007, 167-174.
8. Carmeli, A., Gilat, G., & Weisberg, J. "Perceived External Prestige, Organizational Identification and Affective Commitment: A Stakeholder Approach", Corporate Reputation Review. 9, 2006, 89-91.
9. Weisberg J. & Socha M. W. "Earnings in Poland: The Private versus the Public Sector". Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance and Business Ventures, Vol. 7 (3), 2002: 17-37.
10. Kraizberg E., Tziner A., & J. Weisberg. "Employee Stock Options: Are they indeed superior to other incentive compensation Schemes?" Journal of Business and Psychology, Vol. 16 (3), 2002: 383-390.
11. Kirschenbaum A. & J. Weisberg. "Employee's Turnover Intentions and Job Destination Choices". Journal of Organizational Behavior. Vol. 22(1), 2001: 109-125.
12. Sagie A. & J. Weisberg. "The Transformation in Human Resource Management in Israel". International Journal of Manpower, Vol. 22 No. 3, 2001: 226-234.
13. Weisberg J. (Y.) & N. M. Meltz. ""Education and Unemployment in Israel, 1976-1994: Reducing the Anomaly". Industrial Relations - Relations Industrielles. Vol. 54, No. 4, 1999: 673-692.
14. Lauterbach B., Vu. J. & J. Weisberg. "Internal vs. External Successions and their Effect on Firm Performance". Human Relations. Vol. 52, No. 12, 1999: 1485-1504.
15. Neuman S. & J. Weisberg. "Gender Wage Differentials and Discrimination among Israeli Managers". International Journal of Manpower. Vol. 19, No. 3, 1998: 161-170.
16. Lauterbach B. & J. Weisberg. "Appointment of CEOs in US companies: A Comparison of 1978-9 and 1989-1991". International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol. 8, No. 4, August 1997: 539-549.
17. Weisberg J. "Differential Teamwork Performance: The Impact of General and Specific Human Capital Levels". International Journal of Manpower, Vol. 17, No.8, 1996: 18-29.
18. Weisberg J. "Returns to Education in Israel: 1974 and 1983". Economics of Education Review. Vol. 14, No. 2, 1995: 145-154.
19. Kirschenbaum A. & J. Weisberg. "Job Search, Intentions and Turnover: The Mismatched Trilogy". Journal of Vocational Behavior, Vol. 44, 1994: 17-31.
20. Lauterbach B. & J. Weisberg. "Top Management Successions: The Choice between Internal and External sources". International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol. 5, No. 1, 1994: 51-65.
21. Weisberg J. & A. Kirschenbaum. "Gender and Turnover: A Reexamination of the Impact of Sex on Intent and Actual Job Changes". Human Relations, Vol. 46, No. 8, 1993: 987-1006.
22. Kirschenbaum A. & J. Weisberg. "Predicting Worker Turnover: An Assessment of Intent on Actual Separations". Human Relations. Vol. 43/9 1990: 829-847.
23. Weisberg J. "Nonlinear Models for the Prediction of Early Quits and Dismissals". Organization Studies. Vol. 3/11, 1990: 435-449.
24. Weisberg J., Teeni, D. & L. Arman (2011). "Past Purchase and Intention to Purchase in E-commerce: The mediation of Social Presence and Trust". Internet Research, 21(1), 82-96.
- Books
- CHAPTER IN A BOOK (Refereed):
- 1. Stashevsky, S., Sagie, A., & Weisberg, J. (2000). The impact of quality and participative management on employee’s performance and satisfaction. In: Dar-El, E., Notea, A., & Hari, A. (Eds.). (2000). Productivity & quality management frontiers – IX: pp. 332-338, Bradford, England: MCB University Press. 7 pp.
- 2. Stashevsky, S., & Weisberg, J. (2003). “Covering-up” behavior in organizations: An empirical study. In: Sagie, A., Stashevsky, S., & Koslowsky, M. (Eds.). Misbehavior and dysfunctional attitudes in organizations, pp. 57-78. Hampshire, UK: Palgrave Publishers (MacMillan Global Academic publishers). 22 pp.
- 3. Caspi, A, Weisberg, Y, & Ben-Hador B. "Turkey and Israel - HRM as Reflection of Societies" (Chapter 13), In: Human Resource Management in Europe (Eds.) Morley, M; Kabst, R; Brewster, C; & W. Mayrhofer. Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, 2003.
- 4. Reychav, I. & Weisberg, J. "Human Capital in Knowledge Creation, Management & Utilization". In: Knowledge Management. Schwartz, D. G. (ed.). Idea Group, 2005, 221-229.
- 5. Stashevsky, S., & Weisberg, J. Wage determination antecedents and outcomes on employees attitudes. In: Stashevsky, S. (Ed.). Work values and behavior, (2006) pp. 341-350. Shreveport, LA, USA: ISSWOV. (ISBN 99854048).
- 6. Reychav, I., & Weisberg, J. "Sharing Knowledge in Virtual Communities". In: Network and Virtual Organization, Putnik, G. D. & Cunha, M. M. (Eds.) Idea Group, 2008, 1453-1459.
- 7. Reychav, I., & Weisberg, J. The role of willingness to share knowledge mediates performance: Evidence from Israeli high-tech firms. In: Gelperin B. (Ed.). Work values and social responsibilities in a changing world: From Being Good to Doing Good. (2008) pp. 443-451. Shreveport, LA, USA: ISSWOV. (ISBN 978-0-9817997-0-4).
- 8. Reychav, I., & Weisberg, J. "To Share or not to Share Explicit and Tacit Knowledge?” In: Information Science and Technology, Khosrow-Pour (Ed.), 2nd edition, 2008, 1483-1490.
- Conferences
Last Updated Date : 15/10/2023