Prof. Eyal Yaniv

335; Building : 504
    • Entrepreneurship 
    • Strategic Management 
    • Innovation Marketing 
    • Organizational Attention 
    • Organizational Culture




    • Mozes, M., Josman, Z. and Yaniv, E. (In Press)Corporate social responsibility, organizational identification and motivation” Social Responsibility Journal 
    • Yaniv, E. (2011) "Construct Clarity in Theories of Management and Organization" Academy of Management Review, 36(3): 
    • Yaniv, E. (2011) "Organizational Attention: a Metaphor for a Core Cognitive Process" International Journal of Organization Theory and Behavior, 14(3): 
    • Nathan, L., Yaniv, E. and Elizur D. (2009). Relationships among a Team Manger's personality, Organizational Culture, and Team Performance. In Cohen, A. (Ed.) Design, Analysis and Application in Multivariate Approaches. Philadelphia, PA: APA Press 
    • Kravetz, S and Yaniv, E. (2009). The Structure of Illness-Management and Recovery: A Facet Analysis of an Intervention for Severe Mental Illness in Cohen, A. (Ed.) Design, Analysis and Application in Multivariate Approaches. Philadelphia, PA: APA Press 
    • Elizur, D., Kantor, J., Yaniv, E. And Sagie, A. (2008) "The Importance of Life Domains in Different Cultural Groups". American Journal of Psychology. 121(1), pp. 35-46 

      Yaniv, E. and Brock, D. (2008) "Replication strategies, knowledge and attention: A study of coffee chains" International Journal of Service Industry Management 19(3), pp. 379-399 
    • Carmeli, A., Elizur, D. and Yaniv, E. (2007). The Theory of Work Commitment: A Facet Analysis. Personnel Review, 36(4), pp. 638-649
    • Brock, D. & Yaniv, E. (2007). Knowledge is not enough: Organizational attention and replication strategies. Service Industries Journal, 27(7), pp.831-847 
    • Yaniv, E. and Schwarz, D. (2006) Organizational Attention. In Schwarz D. Encyclopedia of Knowlege Managemen, Idea Group Inc. Hershey, PA. 
      pp. 728-733 
    • Yaniv, E. and Elizur, D. (2008). How do we find facets in complex theoretical structures? In Yaniv, E. and Elizur, D. (Ed.) Facet Theory: Theory and Research in Social Science. Jerusalem: FTA (in Hebrew) 
    • Nathan, L., Yaniv, E. and Elizur, D. (2008). The influence of manager's personality on group organizational culture. In Yaniv, E. and Elizur, D. (Ed.) Facet Theory: Theory and Research in Social Science. Jerusalem: FTA (in Hebrew) 
    • Nathan, L., Yaniv, E. and Elizur D. (2007). Relationships among a Team Manger's personality, Organizational Culture, and Team Performance. In Cohen, A. and farley, F (Ed.) Design, Analysis and Application in Multivariate Approaches. Philadelphia, PA: APA Press 
    • Kravetz, S and Yaniv, E. (2007). The Structure of Illness-Management and Recovery: A Facet Analysis of an Intervention for Severe Mental Illness In Cohen, A. and farley, F (Ed.) Design, Analysis and Application in Multivariate Approaches. Philadelphia, PA: APA Press 
    • Carmeli, A., Elizur, D. and Yaniv, E. (2005) The Theory of Work Commitment: A Facet Analysis. In Bilsky, W. and Elizur, D. (ed.) Integrating Theory Construction with Data Analysis. Rome: Frentani. pp. 147-157 
    • Yaniv, E. & Elizur, D. (2003). The structure of organizational attention: A Radex representation of multiple knowledge sources. In Levi, S. and Elizur, D. (ed.) Facet Theory: Towards Cumulative Social Science. University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts. pp. 209-216 




    • Yaniv, E. and Elizur, D. (2008) Facet Theory: Theory and Research in Social Science (Ed.) Jerusalem: FTA - in Hebrew 
    • Elizur, D. and Yaniv E. (2009) Theory Construction, Analysis and Application. Jerusalem: FTA Press 




    • Yaniv, E. & Brock, D. M. (2003). The influence of organizational attention on exploiting knowledge as a strategic resource: Toward a theoretical basis. Academy of Management, OMT Division, Atlanta, USA. 
    • Yaniv, E. & Brock, D. M. (2003). The influence of organizational attention on exploiting knowledge as a strategic resource: Model building and preliminary results. EGOS Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark. 
    • Yaniv, E. & Elizur, D. (2003). The structure of organizational attention: A Radex representation of multiple knowledge sources. 9th International Facet Theory Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia. 
    • Yaniv, E. & Brock, D. M. (2003). Operationalization of organizational attention: An empirical model building. Expanding Perspectives on the Strategy Process, An INSEAD Conference, France. 
    • Yaniv, E. (2005) Using facet design and mapping sentence in order to define executive MBA program curriculum. 10th International Facet Theory Conference Rome, Italy. 
    • Carmeli, A., Elizur, D. and Yaniv, E. (2005) The Theory of Work Commitment: A Facet Analysis. 10th International Facet Theory Conference. Rome, Italy. 
    • Yaniv, E. & Elizur, D. (2005). The structure of organizational attention: A Radex representation of multiple knowledge sources. 9th European Congress of Psychology, Granada, Spain. 
    • Yaniv, E. & Elizur, D. (2006). Organizational attention: A metaphor of core cognitive process. EGOS Conference, Bergen Norway (July, 2006). 
    • Elizur, D., Sternberg, A. and Yaniv, E. (2006). Facets of organizational culture. 26th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Athens, Greece. 
    • Carmeli, A., Elizur, D. and Yaniv, E. (2006). Work commitment: A structural analysis. 26th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Athens, Greece. 
    • Nathan, L., Yaniv, E. and Elizur D. (2007). Relationships among a Team Manger's personality, Organizational Culture, and Team Performance. 11th International Facet Theory Conference. Philadelphia, PA, USA 
    • Kravetz, S and Yaniv, E. (2007). The Structure of Illness-Management and Recovery: A Facet Analysis of an Intervention for Severe Mental Illness 11th International Facet Theory Conference. Philadelphia, PA, US 
    • Yaniv, E. (2008). The Entrepreneurial Organization as a Greenhouse of Organizational Culture. Academy of Management, OMT Division, Anaheim, USA. 
    • Nathan, L., Yaniv, E. and Elizur D. (2008). Personality, Organizational Culture, and Team Performance. Academy of Management, MOC Division, Anaheim, USA. 
    • Nathan, L., Yaniv, E. and Elizur D. (2008). The influence of Team Manger's personality on Organizational Culture, and Team Performance. ISSWOV2008, Singapore. 
    • Yaniv, E (2009). Let's face the hard question: Why do we fail? 12th International Facet Theory Conference. Jerusalem 
    • Kravetz, S., Yaniv, E. and Telraz, S. (2009). Facets of Coping with Schizophrenia: Integrating Inductive and Deductive Approaches to Human Behavior and Experience. 12th International Facet Theory Conference. Jerusalem

    Last Updated Date : 05/12/2022