Prof. Roy Gelbard
Information Systems - Tel-Aviv University - 1996
Information Systems - Tel-Aviv University - 1989
Biology - Tel-Aviv University - 1989
Philosophy - Bar-Ilan University - 1985
Computers Programming - Technion, Israel Institute of Technology - 1983
2004 - Today Researcher - Bar-Ilan University
2001 - 2003 Chief Scientist - Start-up company (Data Mining)
1995 - 2000 Co-Founder - Mateor Consulting Group Ltd
1992 - 1995 System Engineer - Sibam Ltd
1983 - 1991 Team's Head Programmer - CDC Ltd
Editorial Board Member - Information & Management (2004 - 2008)
Reviewer - Computers & Operation Research (1998-2000)
1999 Developing B.Sc. program in “Information Systems”, for Sapir Academic College
2001 Developing B.Sc. program in “Industrial Computer Programming”, for Sapir Academic College
2002 Committee member of the Israel Council for Higher Education (MALAG), approving a B.Ed. program in “Computing and Information Technologies” submitted by Tel-Aviv College of Technologies Education (College of Management).
2006 Committee member of the Israel Council for Higher Education (MALAG), approving a B.A. program in “Information Systems Management” submitted by Ben-Gurion University.
2008 Committee member of the Israel Council for Higher Education (MALAG), approving a B.A. program in “Information Systems Management” submitted by Emek-Israel College
09 + Member of the Advisory Board of the Israeli Council of System Analysis and Design
2010 Member of the governmental committee that examined success and failures of large computing projects
2011 Member of the governmental committee to select Gov CIO
Data Mining & Knowledge Discovery
- Data and Knowledge Representation
- Fuzzy and Similarity Functions
- Cluster Analysis and Data Mining
- DSS using Multi-Algorithms Voting
ICT Development & Management:
- Software Project Management
- Methodologies for System Analysis & Design
- Integrating Software Engineering and Project Management tools
- RAD & Agile Applications
M.A. Students:
Orit Elisa - 2009 - The Linkage between the Value of Information and Individual and Organizational Adoption of Information Systems
Noam Koriat - 2011 - Implications of Employment Contracts on IT Workers Knowledge Sharing
Roni Ramon-Gonen - Predicting Customer Loyalty using Saliency Approach
Ph.D. Students:
Ran Tel-Nir - 2008 - Binary Positive Representation and Database Methods for Supporting Discovery of Patterns in Structural Bioinformatics
Co-Supervisor: Prof. Israel Spiegler (Tel-Aviv University)
Liran Edelist - 2009 - Software Engineering Elements as Base-Ground for Software Projects Portfolio Costing
Co-Supervisor: Prof. Jeffrey Kantor
Ran Bittmann - 2009 - Decision Support System Methodology Using a Visual Approach to Cluster Analysis Problems
Avichai Meged - 2011 - Data Mining Via Unified Fuzzy Representation Model
Aviad Barak - 2013 - Classification by Clustering Decision Tree-like Classifier based on Adjusted Clusters
Levi Shaul - Technology Acceptance Models Revisited
Co-Supervisor: Dr. Doron Tauber
Noam Koriat - The impact of Outsourcing on Identification and Performance of ICT Workers
70-732-01 IS Research Seminar
70-758-01 IS Practicum
70-939-01 Software Project Management
70-949-01 Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
70-967-01 System Analysis and Design
Granted Patents
[1] Spiegler, I. & Gelbard, R., "Unified Binary Model and Methodology for Knowledge Representation and for Data and Information Mining", US Patent 6,728,728 B2. Filling-Date: July 2000. Granted-Date: April 2004.
[2] Gelbard, R., “Generic Information System Builder and Runner”, US Patent 8,301,661 B2. Filing-Date: August 2003. Granted-Date: October 2012.
[3] Gelbard R. & Bittmann R.M., “Method for Efficient Association of Multiple Distributions”, US Patent Application 20090210446, Filing-Date: February 2008. Granted-Date: December 2013.
[4] Gelbard R. & Bittmann R.M., “Method and System for Sharing Trusted Contact Information", US Patent Application 12943982. Filing-Date: November 2009. Granted-Date: January 2014.
[5] Gelbard R., “Method and System for Extended Bitmap Indexing”, US Patent 8,346,799 B2. Filing-Date: March 2011. Granted-Date: December 2012.
Patent Application
[6] Gelbard R., Bittmann R.M. & Carmeli A., “Method and System for Sentiment Analysis, Opinion Mining and Performance Evaluation of Human Resources, Based on Electronic Sources and Footprints". US Patent Application 61/643,360. Filing-Date: May 2012.
Publications - Manuscripts
* = Doctoral student under my supervision
Data Mining & Cluster Analysis
[1] Gelbard R. & Spiegler I. (2000). "Hempel's Raven Paradox: A Positive Approach to Cluster Analysis”, Computers & Operation Research, Vol. 27(4), 305-320.
[2] Erlich Z., Gelbard R. & Spiegler I. (2002). “Data Mining by Means of Binary Representation: A Model for Similarity and Clustering”, Information Systems Frontiers, Vol. 4(2), 187-197.
[3] Erlich Z., Gelbard R. & Spiegler I. (2003). “Evaluating a Positive Attribute Clustering Model for Data Mining”, J. of Computer Information Systems, Vol.43(3), 100-108.
[4] * Bittmann R.M. & Gelbard R. (2007). “Decision Method for Cluster Analysis Problems Using Visual Approach”, Expert Systems, Vol. 24(3), 172-188.
[5] Gelbard R., Goldman O. & Spiegler I. (2007). “Investigating Diversity of Clustering Methods: An Empirical Comparison”, Data & Knowledge Engineering, Vol. 63(1), 155-166.
[6] * Bittmann R.M. & Gelbard R. (2008), “Decision Support System using Visualization of Multi-Algorithms Voting”. In, Frederic A. and Patrick H. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Decision Making and Decision Support Technologies, 296-305.
[7] Gelbard R. & Meged A. (2008), “Handling Fuzzy Similarity for Database Classification”. In, Rabuñal J.R, Dorado J. and Pazos A. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence. 796-802.
[8] * Bittmann R.M. & Gelbard R. (2009), “Visualization of Multi-Algorithms Clustering for Better Economic Decisions - The Case of Car Pricing”. Decision Support Systems, Vol. 47(1), 42-50.
[9] Gelbard R., Carlemi A., Bittmann R.M. & Ronen S. (2009), " Cluster Analysis Using Multi-Algorithm Voting In Cross-Cultural Studies", Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 36(7), 10438-10446.
[10] * Barak A. & Gelbard R. (2011), “Classification by Clustering; Decision Tree-like Classifier based on Adjusted Clusters”. Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 38(7), 8220-8228.
[11] * Meged A. & Gelbard R. (2011), "Adjusting Fuzzy Similarity Functions for Use with Standard Data Mining Tools". Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 84, 2374-2383.
[12] Gelbard R. (2013), "Padding Bitmaps to Support Similarity and Mining". Information Systems Frontiers, Vol. 5(1), 99-110 (Published online, July 2011).
[13] * Meged A. & Gelbard R. (2012), “A Unified Fuzzy Data Model: Representation and Processing”. Journal of Database Management, Vol. 23(1), 78-102.
[14] * Barak A. & Gelbard R. (2012), "A Decision Support Method, Based on Bounded Rationality Concepts to Reveal Feature Saliency in Clustering Problems". Decision Support Systems, Vol. 54(1), 292-303.
[15] * Tel-Nir R., Gelbard R. & Spiegler R., (2013). "Supporting Binding-Sites Discovery via Iterative Database Processing". International Journal of Systems Biology and Biomedical Technologies (IJSBBT), Vol. 2(3), 19-41.
System Modeling
[1] Gelbard R. & Gilmour A. (2001). “Temporal Branching as a conflict management technique”, In Balsters H. (Ed.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 100-114.
[2] Gelbard R. & Spiegler I. (2002). “Representation and Storage of Motion Patterns”, Journal of Database Management, Vol. 13(3), 46-63.
[3] Gelbard R. & Spiegler I. (2004). “Modeling Motion: Building Blocks of Motion Databse”. In Keng S. (Ed.), Advanced Topics in Database Research, Vol.3(16), 323-342.
[4] Gelbard R. & Spiegler I. (2005). “Living with Database Conflicts: A Temporal Branching Technique”, Journal of Distributed and Parallel Databases, Vol.17, 251-265.
[5] Te'eni D., Gelbard R. & Sade M. (2006). “Increasing the benefit of analysis: The case of systems that support communication”, In Feltz F. et al (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Informatics, (Lead article), Vol. P-92, 13-27.
[6] Gelbard R. (2008), “Software Modeling Processes: UML - xUML Review ”. In, Syed M.R. and Syed S.N. (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Modern Systems Analysis and Design Technologies and Applications, 180-189.
[7] Gelbard R., Te'eni D. & Sade M. (2010), “Theory of Object Oriented Analysis - Is it just Theory ?”. IEEE Software, Vol. 27(1), 64-71.
ICT & Project Management
[1] Gelbard R., Pliskin N. & Spiegler I. (2002). “Integrating Systems Analysis and Project Management tools”, International Journal of Project Management, Vol. 20, 461-468.
[2] Ben-Menachem M. & Gelbard R (2002). “Integrated IT Management Tool-Kit Application”, Communication of the ACM, Vol. 45(4), 96-102.
[3] Gelbard R. (2008), “Decision Rule for Investment in Frameworks of Reuse”. In, Syed M.R. and Syed S.N. (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Modern Systems Analysis and Design Technologies and Applications, IGI-Global, 149-157.
[-] Gelbard R., (2009), "Decision Rule for Investment in Reusable Code", Bajaj, A. and Wrycza S. (Eds.), Systems Analysis and Design for Advanced Modeling Methods: Best Practices, IGI-Global, 154-160. (Additional printing due to publisher request)
[4] Gelbard R., Kantor J. & Edelist L. (2008), “Integrating Software Engineering and Costing Aspects within Project Management Tools”. In, Cartelli A. and Palma M. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Information and Communication Technologies, 443-456.
[5] Gelbard R., Kantor J. & Edelist L. (2008), “Contributions of Information Technology Tools to Project ’s Accounting and Financing”, in Khosrow-Pour M. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology. 772-780.
[6] Gelbard R. & Carmeli A. (2008), “Toward Ontology of ICT Management; Integration of Organizational Theories and ICT Core Constructs”. In Rittgen P. (Ed.), Handbook of Ontologies for Business Interaction, 157-171.
[7] * Edelist L., Gelbard R. & Kantor J. (2012), “Software Project Costing: Coupling CMMI and PMBOK into a Generic Costing Framework”. Int. J. of IT Project Management, Vol. 3(4), 72-86.
[8] Ben-David A., Gelbard R. & Milstein I. (2012), “Supplier Ranking by Multi-Alternative Proposal Analysis for Agile Projects”. International Journal of Project Management, Vol. 30(6), 723-730.
Behavioral Aspects: Knowledge Creation & Sharing
[1] Gelbard R. & Carmeli A. (2009), “The Interactive Effect of Team Dynamics and Organizational Support on ICT Project Success”. International Journal of Project Management, Vol. 27(5), 464-470.
[2] Carmeli A., Gelbard R., & Gefen D. (2010), “The Importance of Innovation Leadership in Cultivating Strategic Fit and Enhancing Firm Performance”. Leadership Quarterly, Vol. 21(3), 339-349.
[3] Carmeli A., Gelbard R., & Goldreich R. (2011), “Linking perceived external prestige and collective identification to collaborative behaviors in R&D teams”. Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 38(7), 8199-8207.
[4] Carmeli A., Gelbard R. & Reiter-Palmon R. (2013). "Leadership, creative problem solving capacity, and creative performance: The importance of knowledge sharing". Human Resource Management, Vol. 52(1), 95-121.
[5] * Koriat N. & Gelbard R. (2014). "Knowledge sharing motivation among IT personnel: Integrated model and implications of employment contracts". International Journal of Information Management, Vol.34(5), 577-591.
[6] * Koriat N. & Gelbard R., (2014). "Insourcing of IT Workers: a Win-Win Strategy". In Wolf R., Issa T. & Thiel M. (Eds.), Empowering Organizations through Corporate Social Responsibility, IGI.
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1. מכרז החשכ"ל 2009 - Scrib
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Last Updated Date : 01/10/2024