Prof. Eugene Jaffe


    B.S. (Econ.) Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania 
    MBA, Graduate School of Business, New York University 
    Ph.D Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania 

    Past President, European International Business Academy 
    Honorary Founder, Academy of Market Intelligence 

    Visiting Lectureships at: 
    Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania 
    Baruch College, City University of New York 
    Rutgers University Graduate School of Business, New Jersey 
    Monterrey Institute of Technology (ITESM), Mexico 
    Copenhagen Business School, Denmark 
    Bradford University (Israel Program) 
    Boston University (Israel Program)

    • Country Image Measurement 
    • Business Ethics 
    • Measurement of Relationship Assets 
    • The Effects of Globalization on Domestic Markets



    Most cited publication: National Image and Comparative Advantage: The Theory and Practice of Place Branding. (with Israel Nebenzahl). Copenhagen Business School Press, 2nd edition, 2006. 1,111 citations.


    Recent Selected Publications:

     “Five Typical City Branding Mistakes: Why Cities Fail in the Implementation of Rebranding Strategies,” Journal of Brand Strategy, 2014, 2, 4, 392-402.

    “A Summated Rating Scale for Measuring City Image,” Cities, 2015, 44, 5o-59.

    “The Impact of Acculturation on Immigrants’ Business Ethics Attitudes,” Journal of Business Ethics, 2018, 147, 4, 821-834.

    “Can One Brand Fit All? Segmenting City Residents for Place Branding,” Cities, 2021

    • 1988. Presidential Fellow, American Graduate School of International Management. 
    • 1995. Award for Excellence: Highly Commended paper from International Marketing Review, Volume II (1994). 
    • 1996. Citation of Excellence: Highest Quality Rating, ANBAR, for paper in the International Marketing Review, 13, 4 (1996). 
    • 1998. Citation of Excellence: Highest Quality Rating, ANBAR, for paper in the European Journal of Marketing, 32, 1 (1998).


    Last Updated Date : 05/11/2023