About Us

The Graduate School of Business Administration at Bar-Ilan University offers MBA and Ph.D. programs of study in a variety of focus areas including finance, strategy, marketing and business development, information technologies and systems, and organizational behavior. 

In addition, the School offers an Executive MBA program for experienced business managers and an International MBA program taught entirely in English. 

 Our research faculty leads a broad and varied range of research programs and are active at the leading edge of international research efforts.


The School of Business serves as a bridge between the academic research world and the world of business.  Research by the faculty of the School of Business is not just meant to develop advanced theories but to lead to applied research and practice management tools. These tools are meant to assist managers in making better and more profitable decisions in the fields of marketing and business development, finance, management, and information systems. For example, such research may help multinational pharmaceutical firms assess the effectiveness of advertising in which billions are invested. Similarly, research in this area makes it possible to predict the market response to the opening of a new chain of residential housing developments or redefine product offerings based on customer perception.

The specialty of Information Systems focuses on the different aspects of information and technology management and the creation of business intelligence for the development of the organization. The faculty in this specialty explores the various relevant aspects (algorithmic, technological, and organizational behavioral).  Publications of the faculty members include books, articles, and fieldwork in the areas of knowledge management, management of project software, cloud technology, social-network-based models, and new models in the field of data mining and informatics. Studies by faculty members involve a variety of business sectors, including the industrials, the health sector, government, financial and insurance service industries, Israel’s high-tech industries. and others.