Dr. Nira Munichor
Nira Munichor is a consumer psychologist. She received her PhD in organizational psychology at the Technion. Subsequently, Dr. Munichor served as a post-doctoral research fellow at Warrington College of Business, University of Florida. She joined the Marketing area at the Graduate School of Business Administration, Bar-Ilan University, in the fall of 2016.
Dr. Munichor's research focuses on how people’s psychological characteristics (cognitive structure, needs, desires, feelings, and personality) influence their consumption decisions. Specifically, her research has examined how people make time-related decisions and how using numerical information affects consumer behavior. She also investigates how consumers make decisions regarding products and brands that elicit negative emotions.
Awards and Honors:
AMA’s CBSIG Small Research Grant, 2021 (with D. Yadin, E.F. Williams, and I. Stockheim)
The Israel Science Foundation (ISF) individual research grant, 2019-2021 (with Y. Steinhart)
The Israel Science Foundation (ISF) individual research grant, 2016-2018 (sole PI)
The Israel Science Foundation (ISF) individual research grant, 2013-2015 (sole PI)
Julian Simone Grant, Hebrew University, 2010
Golda Meir Fellowship Award for outstanding academic achievements, Hebrew University, 2010
Consumer Behavior
Creative Thinking in Marketing
Advanced Marketing Management
Research Seminar in Marketing
"Music to the individual consumer’s ears: How and why does personalizing music in advertising enhance viewing duration and ad effectiveness?" International Journal of Advertising, with Ran Maroely, forthcoming.
“Justifying toll payment with biased travel estimates: Behavioral findings and route choice modeling,” Transportation. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11116-021-10251-y, with E. Tenenboim and Y. Shiftan, 2022.
“Numerical feedback roundness affects the choice of the self vs. others as a reference point,” Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 758990. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.758990, with M. Shoham, 2021.
"Sadly, I have earned it: The effect of responsibility attributions for sadness on indulgent food consumption," Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 18 (5), 415-428, with N. Friedlander, 2019.
"The influence of time-interval descriptions on goal pursuit decisions," Journal of Marketing Research, 55 (2), 291-303, with R. LeBoeuf, 2018.
"Saying no to the glow: When consumers avoid arrogant brands," Journal of Consumer Psychology, 26 (2), 179-192, with Y. Steinhart, 2016.
"CB as I see it," Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having, and Being (12th edition), ed. Michael Solomon, Pearson Education, 2016.
"Numbers or apologies? Customer reactions to telephone waiting time fillers," Journal of Applied Psychology, 92 (2), 511-518, with A. Rafaeli, 2007.
"Risk-attitude in small timesaving decisions," Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 12 (3), 129-141, with I. Erev and A. Lotem, 2006.
Last Updated Date : 03/08/2022