Dr. Matti Rachamim
Matti Rachamim is a member of the faculty at the School of Business Administration, Bar-Ilan University. Matti received her Ph.D. in Marketing from the Hebrew University Business School. She also holds a B.Sc. in Chemistry (Magna cum Laude) and an MBA from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Matti currently serves as Chair of the Executive MBA Programs at the School of Business Administration, Bar-Ilan University.
Her research interests focus on advertising (product placement), consumer behavior, social marketing, and consumer decision-making. In her work she has examined the influence of subliminal marketing content on consumer decision-making; factors shaping advertising’s effectiveness; negative advertising’s impact on consumer behavior; and the effect of ethnic identity on consumer preferences.
Courses she teaches currently include Marketing Management, Consumer Decision-Making, Business Marketing, and Advanced Issues in Marketing.
Rachamim, M., Shagrir, M. L., & Grossman, O. Product placement in mass media: A content analysis on different product placements.
Rachamim, M., Nathan, O., Grossman, O., & Graguer, S. Product placement in video games: New insights.
Ofir, C., Grossman, O., & Rachamim, M. Some questions about the mechanisms of CLT.
Marketing Management: 70-636
Consumer Decision-Making: 70-664
Business Marketing (B2B): 70-916
Advanced Issues in Marketing: 70-633
Award for Distinguished Teaching, Teacher of the Year Honors, School of Business Administration, Bar-Ilan University, 2019.
Award for Distinguished Teaching, Teacher of the Year Honors, School of Business Administration, Bar-Ilan University, 2020.
Award for Distinguished Teaching, Teacher of the Year Honors, Faculty of Social Sciences, Bar-Ilan University, 2023.
Hornik, J., Ofir, C., & Rachamim, M. (2016). Quantitative evaluation of persuasive appeals using comparative meta-analysis. Communication Review, 19(3), 192-222.
Hornik, J., Ofir, C., & Rachamim, M. (2017). Advertising appeals, moderators, and impact on persuasion: A quantitative assessment creates a hierarchy of appeals. Journal of advertising research, 57(3), 305-318.
Hornik, J., Satchi, R. S., & Rachamim, M. (2019). The joy of pain: A gloating account of negative electronic word-of-mouth communication following an organizational setback. Internet Research, 29(1), 82-103.
The paper was chosen by the editorial team of Internet Research for the outstanding paper award.
Hornik, J., Rachamim, M., & Grossman, O. (2021). Ripples of contempt: aversive responses to others (mis) fortunes. Motivation and Emotion, 45(6), 809-817.
Hornik, J., Rachamim, M., Satchi, R. S., & Grossman, O. (2021). A dark side of human behavior: development of a malicious sentiments scale to others success or failure. Computers in Human Behavior Reports, 4, 100112. (ahead-of-print).
Hornik, J., Ofir, C., Rachamim, M., & Grossman, O. (2021). The Impact of Emotional versus Rational Appeals. Theory and Practice in Management, 1, 35-52. (HEB)
Song, Y., Berger, R., Rachamim, M., Johnston, A., & Colladon, A. F. (2022). Modeling the industry perspective of university-industry collaborative innovation alliances: Player behavior and stability issues. International Journal of Engineering Business Management, 14, 18479790221097235. (ahead-of-print).
Man, T. W. Y., Berger, R., & Rachamim, M. (2022). A social constructivist perspective on novice entrepreneurial learning in business incubators. International Journal of Emerging Markets. (ahead-of-print).
Grossman, O., Rachamim, M., & Mann., J. (2022). The Influence of Ethnic Identity on Consumer Preferences: The Case of East Jerusalem Arabs. Theory and Practice in Management, 2, 58-78. (HEB)
Rachamim, M., Nathan, O., Grossman, O., Graguer, S., & Mia-Shagrir, L. (2022). Product Placement in Video Games: New Insights. Theory and Practice in Management, 4, 64-77. (HEB)
Berger, R., Drori, N., Rachamim, M., & Alon, I. (2023). Towards an emic model of business culture. Competitiveness Review, 33(6), 1161-1128.
Berger, R., Barnes, B. R., Lee, L., & Rachamim, M. (2023). Are Christian Arabs’ business models different from those of Muslim Arabs?, International Marketing Review, 40(2), 290-312.
Grossman, O., & Rachamim, M. (2023). Does classical versus pop music influence coffee purchase likelihood?. Psychology of Music, 03057356231153071. (ahead-of-print).
Hornik, J., & Rachamim, M. (2023). Justice for all: A marketing perspective and research agenda. Journal of Business Research, 159, 113710. (ahead-of-print).
Hornik, J., Ofir, C., Rachamim, M., & Grossman, O. (2023). The bittersweet smell of success: Malicious online responses to others achievements. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1085317. (ahead-of-print).
Hornik, J., Rachamim, M., & Graguer, S. (2023). Fog computing: a platform for big-data marketing analytics. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 6, 1242574. (ahead-of-print).
Rachamim, M., Hornik, J., & Ofir, C. (2023). The market for private security: a review, research agenda, and marketing strategies for a contested terrain. Management Review Quarterly, 1-41.
Berger, R., Barnes, B. R., Rachamim, M., & Silbiger, A. (forthcoming). Is Guanxi prevalent across China? Evidence from seventeen provinces. European Journal of International Management.
Hornik, J., & Rachamim, M. (2023). Torn Between Online Marketing Stories: Trait Ambivalence’s Influence on Schadenfreude. Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior, 36(2), 3-14.
Rachamim, M., & Moran, A. (2023). Product Placement as a Green Marketing Platform. Theory and Practice in Management, 5, 78-87. (HEB)
Grossman, O., & Rachamim, M. (2024). How can coffee shops draw customers back after COVID-19? the influence of psychological distance on coffee versus tea preference. Journal of Business Research, 172, 114431. (ahead-of-print).
Ofir, C., & Rachamim, M. (2011). Processing of price information. In J. N. Sheth (Ed.), Legends in marketing. Sage Publications IndiaPvt Ltd, 35-48.
Rachamim, M., Graguer, S., Grossman, O., & Ofir, C (Ed.). (in press). New directions in behavioral pricing and introduction. In New Directions in behavioral pricing. World Scientific Publishing.
Last Updated Date : 29/02/2024