זכיות במענקים היוקרתיים של מכון מדע הנתונים!!
ברכות חמות על הזכייה במענק היוקרתי של מכון מדע הנתונים לפרופסור און שחורי, ד"ר אלון רביב וד"ר אלון ברטל!
זהו הישג מרשים ומכובד עבור החוקרים ועבור בית הספר!! להלן תקציר הפרויקטים הזוכים:
Prediction and Optimization of Patient Appointment Lengths
Patient no-show and suboptimal patient appointment length reduce clinical efficiency and impair clinic’s quality of service. The objective of this research project is to improve appointment scheduling in healthcare organizations. Using more than 100,000 records of patient appointments in multiple healthcare organizations, we develop generic supervised machine learning models to predict patient no-show and patient’s length of appointment, and to identify the features that are most influential on such prediction.
Identifying Novel Risk Factors for Childbirth-Related Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Childbirth post-traumatic stress disorder (CB-PTSD) is a significant mental health challenge experienced annually by approximately 23 million women worldwide. Although early intervention for CB-PTSD is crucial for preventing long-term harms, no standard screening measures for CB-PTSD exist. The proposed study aims to identify and prioritize risk factors for CB-PTSD by analysing electronic medical records of women delivering children using machine learning algorithms.
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 30/03/2023